FP, you did not hijacked anything, you expressed your feelings and I am very thankful that my pain inspired you to share, do not hesitate to share in my threads, no matter where it takes. Thank you for sharing, I welcome your words and your story, which in reality has so much to do with what is happening to me. We are partly talking hypocrisy in regular human beings that it is outrageous coming from people who have a Christina sign on the forehead, supposed to be “saints” trying to imitate Christ. But they stab you in the back as any infidel. I know I have to be alert with people “of the world” but I would never expect the same from a Christian. Hypochristian.
And the fact that in my school they are installing in the hearts of this young people that hypocrisy and dichotomy is OK, is appalling me. So, your story came just in the right place. You are not talking about boyfriends and make up. Or pedicure, or cooking. It is really related. And Thank you for sharing.
As you can see, I have been up since 2:30 AM, cant sleep, thinking that I have to look for a job for next year. But I have to have faith that God will provide.
James, could you expand a little more in how leave the child at home? I do not understand. Thank you for your ideas, I just need more help. I understand that there is an inner child. But how can you leave him at home? I mean, how to separate? That means detachment. I have a good thread in detachment and I read it and still do not get detach. Improving though. Thank you James for taking to time to answer.
Debkor, thank you for your prayers, I really need them. Please, pray so I can find a job in a place where I could be welcome, or that I learn how to deal with the unwelcome, or both.
Lea, I have nothing to say to you except that I totally agree, with everything you posted here. Totally agree!!!!!!!! Where ever there are humans, sin will be there also. We are humans, except that some humans repent and try not to repeat and some do not even notice they are hurting others or they know and they do not care. Thank you so much for posting several times, thank you so much for being so supportive. You are always very supportive. You never give me judgmental statements. I had in the past somebody telling me that I must have been doing something to elicit this response. And I most be doing something, which is perhaps, showing too much weakness and the pray on the weak and the needy. Please, keep praying for me so I can get a new job with better salary and to be welcome or to know how to deal with the situations.
Iphi, sometimes just a short pet on the shoulder is enough to make the other person better. Thank you for your support. I really need it.
Thank you all, dear friends, I really need your prayers and your support.
God bless you.