I remember a time when I was younger. I want to get back, there. Is is possible? I hope so.
I remember that I didn't have to be perfect. I thought it was a silly idea. I liked my qualities, enough. I didn't have to be the "best" at anything.
I remember that the biggest thing I did then that I don't do now is let my thoughts go by w/out thinking I am "bad". I figured if *I* thought it, it was 'human",not bad.
My Aunt says that she has all kinds of thoughts and feelings and they are just "human"
S/how I went "nuts" from my M over this.
This would be my first wish--not to judge my thoughts and feelings,but to accept them as human.
I did not need another person to complete me. I did not "need" a b/f or a g/f to make me whole. I felt whole, on my own.
I enjoyed doing things ,on my own, simple things,like walks on the beach,shopping,exercising etc.
I did not feel alone b/c *I* was my friend.
I was close to my g/f's ,but did not need validation for who I was.
I realized that *I* needed to define and nurture myself b/c it was burdensome to ask s/one else.
I liked myself. I liked my sense of humor, friendliness, interest in others etc. I liked many of my own traits. I accepted the ones I didn't like as part of being human, as my Aunt does.
I don't know WHERE I went,but I wish I could get that person back--ASAP.
Can anyone relate to feeling whole ,losing it , and hopefully getting it back? Ami