Dear GS,
Just popped in here to read and the title of your thread caught my eye. I want to say:
How well you express yourself!! Truly you have a gift!
Second, I have not read past the first page here because a couple of things grabbed my attention and just wouldn't let me go further without commenting.
Some part of the shaming tells me still that I don't deserve to have a good life, to be accepted, to have friends, a good job, a social life and on and on. A big part of me still believes that and that is THE barrier still standing between me and "life".
It is so much like a darkness, as you later describe and another thing it is, imo and I bet many others here would agree too:
IT IS A BIG LIE!I know you don't believe it but the absolute truth is that you
DO deserve to have a good life, to be accepted, to have friends, a good job, a social life and on and on. The word shaming and deserve are closely related here and this is the crux of the lie. Clearly you have been lead to believe that you are not worthy......not deserving .......through ......lies. The shame put upon you went straight along a circuit ending in the value account in your head (pinging in the number "Zero" time after time until you believed it to be your exact worth).
Not the truth at all, GS. Just a big bunch of stinking, ugly, nasty putrid lies!
are just as good and just as worthy and just as deserving as the next dope (

) deserve to have everything good in your life and those who lied to you over and over, in order to make you believe otherwise, are simply big fat ugly liars. (I said "dope" there jokingly halfsorta because we are all dopes some times.......none of us are perfect...just human and in that way.....very, very similar).
Would it help to make this a BIG part of the thought experiment for healing?.........
reject the liesThe truth is you absolutely deserve good things because you are no more dopey than the rest of the world!
((((((((((((GS)))))))))))) You are a loving, valuable, decent human being. That's the solid simple truth!!
How is it I can figure so much out and yet cannot break this paralysis.
I can relate so much to this. Thoughts just pop into my head and I sometimes feel like I have no control over it.
The reality is........I don't have control over what pops into my head.
I do, however, have control over how long I allow those thoughts to circulate and remain and torment and drain my energy and further......over what I choose to believe.
Sometimes, I am weak and I don't put a stop to it (the lies...the junk.....the negative stuff) quickly as I could. Maybe, those days, I need to feel the pain of the past? Maybe I need to mourn my losses a little more? Maybe I can't be bothered taking a stand because I'm lazy or something?
The rest of the time......I choose.......not to allow that crap to play over and over in my brain. I tell myself I'm in charge of my own head. I remember to be thankful for so much. I look at those worse off and realize it could be worse. I look up to those who've survived much worse and who's attitudes I admire and I strive to emulate them.........even if it isn't truly what's in my heart. It's what I know is best and what I know I can decide. And most of all......I choose to reject the lies. Most of the time, actually, these days, which is a good thing eh?
It takes time and repitition....perseverence. It took a long time for those lies to become solid beliefs and it will take awhile to evacuate clean, so to speak.
Please keep going! A little at a time. Healing will come.
I don't think anyone can just turn this kind of stuff some sort of switch and have it gone for good, just like that. Maybe some people can? I don't know. I know very little when it comes down to it.
If any of this helps.....I'm very glad!
If it doesn't........pitch it to the wind.
I'm off to read some more of your wonderful thread.