I have asked myself this question so many times. I'm in the same boat. I think we know the answer: because we were blind, blinded by our NM's denial of reality. We had crappy role models: They put the N tapes in our head and we never broke free..........until NOW!!
Now, we see reality and realty bites. least we now see, so now, we have the opprtunity to live better.
I read a book yesterday which made me feel soo good: it's called "Who Moved My Cheese". I had heard about it and I finally read it, took like an hour, it's a small book, but, now, I feel much better. There's 2 characters which to me represent an N and the N's victim: Hem & Haw. To me, the N victim finanlly breaks away from the N. I also like the book because it talks about life as a maze. Please get the book.
I think Phoenix is right:
Maybe the question isn't why DID you... but why should you - now? There is work to do in the "now"... can't do a whole lot about back then.
This is the theme of the book and the best shot that N victims have: To make the present and future better. We can't do anything about the past.
Ami, I've been reading some of your posts and think you're progressingly nicely. So happy to hear your involved in a support group for parents who have suffered like you.
I know you hurt and are in grief. Maybe it's time to let go of allowing your M to hurt you? Your cheese has been moved. Actually, our cheese is always moving and we need to change our feelings, which will in turn change our behavior.
Getting back to the question of "why did I listen to the N?": I think the only value to that question is to learn the lesson that we must listen to ourselves, but it's destructive to beat ourselves up. I'm getting to the point where I'm letting go of this question. I know the answer (see above), but knowing the answer won't in itself help me live better today. I've got to move on and make my way thru the maze of life, looking for new cheese.
Hope this helps you, sweet Ami.