Yeah, and we had that classic reversal thing too, the child becoming the parent. My M married my NF because, in my opinion, she never wants to take responsibility for ANYTHING, she LIKED that he was so controlling. I mean, she didn't see all the writing on the wall, instead she thought, Oh good, I'll putter in the garden and raise the kids, and he'll take care of money, everything else. And of course he took care of nothing except himself, and took all the money too, forcing her to step up a bit, as she had four small kids, but she still always, always, turned to me. "How should I cut my hair? What should I wear? Is this color OK?" She wanted to retreat into a child's role and believe me, she's still at it. There's another sort of interesting aspect of this avoidance, and it's that she never even takes responsibility for what she says or does. It's always, ALWAYS, "I did A, B or C because it will make A, B or C happy." If you ask her what she wants she goes totally blank. In the immortal words of Gertrude Stein, "there's no there, there." Nobody home. She has this martyr complex a mile wide.