Actually, honestly, I am absolutely sick and tired of all this, truly I am.
Something I would like to mention, is that in actual fact, Dr Richard Grossman knows my real life identity as a person.
Because, naively, when I joined the board in January 2007
as I have said so many times, this is the first board that I joined as a member (yes, the first active forum/board membership)
and so, I naively, entered my one and only email address, which is made up of my actual name, of course.
When Jacmac was slaughtering me, and bearing in mind, I was only a new member (back in Spring 2007) she would not give me a moments peace, following my posts and attacking me, for no reason at all, and so I was shocked and bewildered and did not understand what was going on, and so therefore, I was in communication with Dr Grossman, with my actual name email address.
So in my Outlook - there is, my email to Dr Grossman and the replies from Dr Grossman, addressed to my actual name, back then in Spring 2007.
Now long afterwards, I left the board for a couple of months, as things were toxic and awful, here on the board, at the time of my taking a very long break.
Then I came back on board, in October 2007.
That is the truth.
Leah x