to the point that I expect everyone and everything to sabotage me. Now that is a desperate state. It is anxiety provoking and it is shaming.
You bet it is.
And it is also irrational. I think of Rational Emotive Therapy, a specific type, that helps you retrain your thought when you feel that
everyone and
everything will sabotage you, you will begin to have tools (and support) to challenge that "generalization tape" in your head.
Everyone won't. Everything won't. Some people will -- that's always going to be a risk in life. But being disappointed by some
one is far different from being disappointed by
life. Given how incredibly you're growing, and the leaps and bounds you're taking in growth and perceptiveness...there's no way you can hold that belief forever. I know you will soon have enough discernment that you'll be able to CHOOSE whom you trust, so being sabotaged feels like less of a threat.
If I'm guessing right, it may be that you fear turning over ALL your trust to one that betrayal by one, would feel like betrayal by all (or by life itself)? I don't think you will, GS. I think you are racking up wisdom and you just aren't that reckless. Even in a love relationship, or a friendship, we need to love ourselves first, befriend ourselves first, as naturally as breathing (or that's what those who don't have to struggle in Self 101 do, and I swear we can all learn it...)
Because you are you, GS, because you are that brave and that persistent, I would swear on a stack of hymnbooks that you can't stay there. I am convinced, even just from knowing you here, that there is a great capacity for simply joy in you.
Much love to you, GS. Your honesty inspires and amazes me. (And please compost anything that feels off base.)