Oh my your boss needs to get herself in check. N being one thing but putting you in a dangerous situation is a big NO NO. And don't you do it. Who is her Boss? You have the right to be safe as well as the patients and the rest of the staff. I understand that in those facilities there are some dangers but for her to not have boundaries for your safety or patients is INSANE.
And why does she have to make up a story to the staff, a lie, well yes, I can see this, to protect her image and if not what is her point. Why a lie? What is she trying to do?
Sounds like she has already lied Spy by the way your being ignored.
She is ridiculing your decisions? Remember she is N that's what they, try to do, don't let her. She is an Ass. And she is not acting professional. You are. Remember that, spoiled tantrum brat, scared and acting out (that is what she is) but even children have consequences for their behavior just like the Adult N child as she is acting.
I'm sure if it continues to carry on and put you in a dangerous situation, especially, in such a facility, the STATE would not be happy to hear about this or like Hops said, an attorney. Trust me they would not want either.
It sounds to me like she/they are a bit frightened of you. Maybe that is why they are ignoring you. Read between the lines Spy. Look at the behavior. She may be wounded but I think she knows that you can cause some serious damage, if you bark, back. I think.
Lets not forget also. N's like to keep people separate. They have this set of people and that set of people and they use each in opposite ways. The one thing they don't want is them to meet in the middle because then all the, empty, missing spots, of the behavior, the plan, the secrets just may be solved, and the result would be damaging to the N.
Could she be working you and the staff and senior members this way? Lie, Lie, Lie, Manipulate one this way, the other that way and terrorize the other. She is planting images, thoughts and pretty much gas lighting everyone.
And if you do tell the staff why you are leaving what is she going to do? Fire you? Go ahead, then she can tell her story to unemployment, and challenge you for applying. Yet, again, things will be exposed! She does really not want that.
Try to remember this so no matter what she does it is not you. You are leaving for good reasons and without hard feelings. The hard feelings are hers. Don't take them on and at the same time don't let her bully you.
And people will most likely know why you are leaving, even through, her lies. They just don't say it. But they know. And you don't have to prove anything to anyone. But they know.
I'm glad you are getting out and I think your future will be very fullfilling.
Just hang in there.