Dear SS
I know you are at a point of mind blowing pain. I hear the pain, fear,uncertainty and despair. We have been together ,on the board, for a long time, and you are "different" now, more in touch with the deepest layers of pain.
To me, you are at a hopeful place, even though it may seem the opposite(hopeless)
I was at the place you are,I think, when I came on the board. I HAD to heal. I had the last gasp of a drowning man before I gave up and went under.I have been criticized, very much, as you know,but you know what? I don't care. I didn't then and I don't now.
We have been through the worst with our parents. What we experience now is only "bad" be/c we have the template of abuse in our heads.
We CAN change the template. I am doing that . I think you can hear and see that ,SS.I think you have HOPE,now. I think you have an inkling that you can change and be whole. I think you have turned the corner frim despair to hope,in the deepest corners of your mind.
I think you know ,down deep,that this time, the door to health will open and you can walk through. I think you are at a very good place, even though it feels very,very bad. That is how I see it. Push aside what does not fit,SS.
I am on the journey beside you.Truth will never hurt as much as lies. I faced one of the worst truths there is and I am stronger and more whole. My life makes sense ,in a new way. I see the reasons for my life ,in a new way.
I am getting compassion for myself. I endured a lot to still be sitting here, typing this to you.
When it is all said and done, we will have s/thing precious to offer others b/c they will "know" we have been to hell and back and are "safe". I feel that way with James b/c he HAS been to hell and back. It is a trip few take and few survive intact enough to help another.
I have hope, SS ,and will share all that I have with you. Love Ami