Find Healing By Overcoming Self-hatred
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 1. The First Question
Are you being troubled by the issue of self-hatred?
Yes, I am troubled.
No, I am not troubled.
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 2. Talk About How Self-hatred Impacts Your Life
Now we want you to type in the box below how self-hatred influences your life.
As you type into the box below, remember God can not only read what you type, but most importantly, He can also read what is in your heart. For your privacy, no one knows what you type except you and God. We do not read or receive any communication from your computer as a result of what you type. What you express in Healing Pages is only between you and God. As you type in your comments about the influence of self-hatred in your life, try to actually see, hear, imagine, believe, and feel God working. Take as much time as you want. Write as much as you want. God is reading, listening, caring, and working.
OK, I am ready to write.
To help you get started: If your self-hatred were to go on and on and get worse, describe how your self-hatred would influence your life. Describe how your self-hatred would make you act and feel if the issue would go on and on. Say everything you want to say about the influence of self-hatred upon your life now and how the influence of self-hatred can impact your life in the future if things stay the same as they are now or things get worse. Take as much time as you want. Write as much as you want about the influence of self-hatred upon your life.
Top of Form 1

Bottom of Form 1
OK, I am finished writing about my issue of self-hatred.
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 3. Another Question
Has the issue or issues associated with self-hatred been bothering you enough that you would like, with God's help, to overcome the influence of self-hatred now?
Yes, I want, with God's help, to overcome the influences of self-hatred upon my life.
No, I do not want to overcome the influences of self-hatred upon my life.
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 4. Your Willingness to Let Go of the Issue
We encourage you to overcome your self-hatred by letting go. We encourage you to surrender the influence of self-hatred upon you. We encourage you to surrender the influences up to God. We encourage you to release the grip of self-hatred upon you and let the power of your self-hatred be placed into the hands of God. We encourage you to let the impact and the influence of self-hatred float away into the hands of God. We encourage you to keep the influence of self-hatred upon your life away from you forever as God brings His healing power over you this minute. OK
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 5. Your Ability To Let Go Of The Issue
You have decided you are really and truly willing to let go or surrender up to God the influence of self-hatred in your life. Now we ask you if you are able to let go and surrender at least a small portion of your burden associated with the influence of self-hatred in your life. Do you feel or do you believe you are now able to let go or surrender up to God at least a small amount of your burden associated with the influence of self-hatred in your life? If your answer is "Yes", click "Yes" below. If your answer is "No", click "No" below.
Yes, I am able to surrender at least a small portion of the burden I carry as a result of self-hatred.
No, I am not able to surrender at least a small portion of the burden I carry as a result of self-hatred.
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 6. Deciding How Much You Want To Surrender Or Let Go
For our exercise we are going to give you 60 total units of burden associated with your having to live with the influence of self-hatred. Of the 60 total units of burden you are carrying right now as a result of self-hatred, how many of those 60 units do you really and truly feel are you willing to give up or surrender to God? In the next step, out of the 60 total units of burden you carry right now, type in the number of units you want to give up or surrender up to God. Now click OK to proceed. OK
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 7. State How Much You Want To Surrender Or Let Go
Top of Form 1
At the present moment, you carry a burden of units out of a total of 60 units. Type in the number of units of your burden you will surrender out of the 60 total units you carry right now.
"I want to surrender, so I will give up >>> units of my burden."
Now click OK. OK
Bottom of Form 1
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 8. Actually Let Go Of The Issue
Top of Form 1
You have decided to give up units of your burden and you still have units of your burden left to carry. Here is how your surrendered burden, and the burden you still carry looks on a graph.
Burden I've Decided
To Give Up.............................. Burden I Still Have
..........................................To Carry

Now Healing Pages invites you to actually let go or surrender up to God units of the influence of self-hatred upon your life. We invite you to actually let go or surrender right now.
OK, I surrender up my burden now. Click OK
Bottom of Form 1
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 9. Give Yourself Credit
Congratulations. Give yourself credit for surrendering and letting go of these units of your burden in life associated with self-hatred.
God loves you for taking this time to give up or surrender your burden up to Him. Give yourself credit for bringing your self-hatred in confession and honesty before God. At this very minute, because you were willing to trust God enough to surrender up to Him, God is pouring His blessings over you. It is wonderful to trust God as you have done. In humility, receive God's love in place of your burden. God received your burden and God sends His love back to you in return. In humility, receive God's power within you. Because you were humble and willing to trust Him, God sends His power into your heart and life to replace your burden.
Overcoming Self-hatred
Step 10. Feeling Gratitude And Giving Thanks
Now that you have given yourself credit for letting go, feel gratitude for letting go of these units of the effects of self-hatred upon your life.
Experience thanksgiving within you. God has honored you, loved you, and received from you the burden you have surrendered up to Him. Let your gratitude and thanksgiving flow up from your heart into Heaven above.
You Have Overcome. You Have Surrendered.
Step 11. Surrendering More Of Your Burden
You have surrendered or given up to God. You have released. You have let go. Now that you have made this progress, if you have any burden left, and you would like to give up or surrender more of your burden, then click "Yes". If you have surrendered up all of your burden, then click "No".
"Yes, I want to surrender or give up to God even more of my current burden." Please click "Yes"
"No, I have surrendered up or given up as much as I can right now." Please click "No".
Preserve Your Healing: Describe How Things Are Right Now
Step 1
Describe The State Of Your Heart, Mind, And Soul Right Now As A Result Of Your Healing
Top of Form 1

Bottom of Form 1
OK, I have written my description of the state of my heart, mind, and soul right now as a result of my healing.
Preserve Your Healing: Be Willing To Remember Or Recreate What Is In Your
Heart, Mind, And Soul Right Now
Step 2
Are you willing to remember and if need be, recreate the present state of your heart, mind, and soul as an antidote if the issue of self-hatred should ever try to reassert itself?
Yes, I am willing to remember or recreate the present state of my heart, mind, and soul if need be.
Preserve Your Healing: Be Able To Remember Or Recreate
Step 3
Are you able to remember or recreate the present state of your heart, mind, and soul as an antidote if the issue of self-hatred should ever try to reassert itself?
Preserve Your Healing: Recreating
Step 4
You need to be willing to recreate the present state of your heart, mind, and soul as an antidote if the issue of self-hatred should ever try to reassert itself. In addition to returning to this Healing Page, what else do you think you can you do to recreate the present state of your heart, mind, and soul?
Top of Form 2

Bottom of Form 2
OK, I have stated what I else I can do to recreate the present state of my healed heart, mind, and soul.
Preserve Your Healing: Commitment To Recreating
Step 5
Will you commit yourself to recreating the present state of your present heart, mind, and soul as an antidote if the issue of self-hatred should ever try to reassert itself?
Yes, I will commit myself to recreating the present state of my heart, mind, and soul
No, I will not commit myself to recreating the present state of my heart, mind, and soul.
Preserve Your Healing: Give Yourself Credit
Step 5
Congratulations. Give yourself credit for committing to remembering or recreating the present state of your heart, mind, and soul as a result of your healing connected to your issue of self-hatred.
God loves you for taking this time to commit yourself to remember or recreate your present heart, mind, and soul. Give yourself credit for committing your life to doing the right thing associated with your self-hatred. At this very minute, because you were willing to trust God enough with your issue, God is pouring His blessings over you and He will help you remember this moment, and if need be, recreate this moment in the future.
Preserve Your Healing: Feel Gratitude And Give Thanks
Step 6
Now that you have given yourself credit for taking action to preserve your healing, feel gratitude for making this commitment.
Experience thanksgiving within you. God has honored you, loved you, and received from you the burden you have surrendered up to Him. Let your gratitude and thanksgiving flow up from your heart into Heaven above.
Now That You Have Achieved Healing, Build A Personal Affirmation
Top of Form 3
I affirm, that when I have doubts about my present healing, I shall...

I affirm, that when I am tempted to go back to old ways, I shall...

I affirm, that when I feel weak, I shall...

I affirm, that when I turn selfish, I shall...

I affirm, that when I fall down, I shall...

OK, I have built my affirmation.
Bottom of Form 3
Now That You Have Achieved Healing, Make This Promise To God And To Yourself
I solemnly promise myself and I promise God that every time I encounter this issue I shall, to the best of my ability... 
OK, I have made my promise.
Bottom of Form 3
You have completed this healing page exercise. Is there another issue you would like to address?
Yes, there is another issue I would like to address. Click, "Yes" and you will be taken to the Healing Pages Index
No, there is no other issue I would like to address.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this healing page. Perhaps now is not the time for your healing to be completed. After some thought and prayer, please visit this healing page again if you wish to seek healing.
Return to Healing Pages Home Page. OK
Return to the top of this page to try again. OK
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