You are cute, with tomatoes, Besee(lol). Did you ever try cut up tomatoes, mozarella cheese(in cubes) sprinkled with salt and basil(lol)?
Back to Alice. I think an "unhealed" therapist will invalidate a client who is trying to grow beyond the therapist. It will be subtle, of course. I have been invalidated by many therapists.
I have a friend who is an "Enlightened Witness" and it is much better than a therapist(IME). It allows me to feel the deep ,painful feelings and not be alone.
Alice ,herself, had a lay person as her Enlightened Witness, but it took many years to find the right person.
Have you read the "Primal Scream" by Janov?
It is one of my all time favorite books and complements Alice very well(IMO).
So great to "see" you, again, Besee. Love and Hugs, Ami