Welcome back, changing,
I realize I haven't said that yet! I was busy reading posts and becoming befuddled. So Welcome Back!!
I am as usual, as when you dropped out of sight, but more of a lurker now.
I've been reading about your accomplishments and say congrats to you! and keep on keeping on!
I sold 225 DVDs for $1.00 each= $225.00 for which I had paid, on an average, $10.00 = $2,250.00. Some lo$$, but I gained 2 large file drawers in my desk and a place to go online to watch movies FREE. I am now not addicted to buying DVDs. Before? I couldn't pass a display without at least looking, and usually there was something I hadn't seen, so pull out the Debit Card! So this is what you call izzifying, and I sold one of my computers, so I could buy a new one, but am loving my big desk with just one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Are you living in the same place attending the same schoo;l etc.? I read about no personal posting.