Sea Storm,
I tried one day to reply but got an error message. Have been seeing that alot here on the forum. Anyway, I echo your plea for more real-life examples!
1- attacking the arguer - that's pretty obvious to us all, eh?
2 - arguing from authority - my partner says this all the time, "I know more about that than you." or "I'm the expert in that area." etc. etc. or the ultimate, "Trust me."
3 - Argument from adverse consequences (putting pressure on the decision maker by pointing out dire consequences of an "unfavourable" decision).
When we were negotiating getting back together after a dramatic divorce / being with other people/ reconciliation period, I worked for a nearby city as their Planning Division Secretary. It was a job with some pretty big responsibilities, including recording the weekly planning commission meetings/minutes/ and appearing on local cable tv as such, etc. Well, he really wanted me back working fulltime / only for HIM. So, when I agreed to get back together with him (on a Friday) he said "I expect you to start working for me full time Monday morning!" I said "Why? I need to give 2 weeks notice at least!" He said, "This will show me how committed you are." (strains of "If you really love me, you will ___")
5- Special pleading (typically referring to god's will). My company bought a service for providing web site video. We kept going over our bandwidth every month and they kept sending emails each month saying how much more it was going to cost. Finally, I questioned the guy and said "Hey, on your website, it says 'unlimited bandwidth' so what gives?" and we argued for a bit and finally I said I'd find another service. He shot back with,
(actual email) "After reading your email reply back to xxxx last evening, we have made a decision to part company with you. No one will ever treat you more fairly than we have tried to do. Your bandwidth usage is a simple statement of fact. File size(s) times the number of times someone plays your video equals bandwidth.
You have the right to disagree and make personal attacks.
We have the right to respond too and our choice is "to turn the other cheek". As I have been taught, "if someone wants your cloak, don't stop them when they also take your tunic." (Luke 6)
To be sure, the terms of service will be more clearly defined on all of our sites as a result of us having you as a customer. So in that sense, you have helped in your own unique way to make our business stronger, and thus better.
All of your videos have been deleted from our servers and your account will not be charged for any of your excess usage. Good luck to you in finding someone else to provide quality video service to your site visitors."
More later!