Author Topic: public versus private.  (Read 2807 times)


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public versus private.
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:21:12 PM »
HI friends, I need to hear your opinion.

I was cold from an elemntary public school for an interview. I will got o the interview just for my own training. But in the reomtoe case that I could be offered a job there what are the pros and cons?

THe private school where I already have a job to start on August is 32k nine hours a day, close to the beach and 25 min drive, easy, 30 min classes, just teaching basics, no credits needed, no big battles.

The public school is 43k benefits are similar, but in public cannot fire you, there is aunion, in rpivate they fire you whenever they want. But it is a one hour drive in high way, 50 miles going and 50 miles coming back. If it works I can always move next year close to that shool and enjoy my beach enyway during this year but it is only seven hours a day. More salary and less hours of working. it is only the driving, but that can be fixed for next year if it works out.

The private school es 32k nince hours of work close to the beach and close to where I live, but nince hours of work, I know th other teachers will work seven and will make 38k. Why? I dont know. But it already makes me feel bad. And I have even started.

What do you think?

Would I be risking my life if I am driving 100 miles everyday?


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 09:30:15 PM »
Would using that much more gas eat up the increase in pay?  It sounds like the time spent is about equal--public school shorter day but longer drive.  Maybe see how it feels once in the building and talking to people who already work there during the interview.  Maybe you will pick up a welcoming atmosphere which would be beneficial to you.


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 10:43:32 PM »
Hi Lupita-

Is there a greater opportunity for advancement in the pubkic school? Also, would you like a break for a while, and then later explore the public school?




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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 01:44:29 AM »


Is it too late to negotiate a higher figure with the private school?  I can't remember if you have signed a contract with them yet.  I'm thinking that if you let them know that you have been offered more pay with less hours in the public school system, then they might increase your pay.  If that isn't an option, I like what changing has put forth for thought.



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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 06:02:08 AM »

Here's my two cents, for what it's worth:

This is a year for you to recuperate from the trauma of the last couple of years.  I can see how living on the beach and having time to enjoy it could be just what you need.  Spending all that driving time kinda defeats that purpose.

The other thing:  if you have already committed to the private school, there might be greater benefits to honoring that commitment.  It's amazing who sees that kind of loyalty and rewards you later.  If you tell the public school that you would love to work with them, but that you have already committed to someone else, they might see that as a very positive attribute in a future employee.  And then you could reapply with them next year.

That's assuming that you have made a commitment--and I dont remember now whether you have.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 08:31:50 AM »
I am a security chicken.

I vote for the public school if possible...

It gets so scary in this economy, and I think private schools for the most part don't take care of their teachers very well.

So a state job with benefits and a union sounds like the right thing for a single woman, to me.


And go to to see if that'd make a difference?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 10:55:13 AM »
Dear Lupita,

I can only tell you how I'd view this choice...

and I think that what would give me the most comfort and security both at this stage in my life
would be to take the job at the private school, with the idea that this is what I've chosen to do for this next year.
One year.... and then re-evaluate.

You may be spending more time doing school work, but at least that time's not being wasted out on the road, where gas is going to cost who-knows-how-much
and you're putting alot of wear and tear on your vehicle.

Anyhow, just thinking that if you view this private school job as the next step toward your future, that takes off alot of the pressure. It does not have to be the end-all, you know? Just the next phase as you're learning to live this new life which you've so bravely launched yourself into!



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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 12:17:49 PM »
Despite of having counceling yesterday, for ten dollars, I feel very bad today. Very lonely. She said that I do not want to grow up. That I still want to be a little girl and I have nog given up the idea of a mother althought I know it is impossible.

My son told me that he is not coming this weekend because he is graduating with honors and he has to defend his thesis, and he has a lot to do about his project in chemistry, duble major, that is going to be published.

So far, I only have a firend who is coming on Sunday after church, but nobody on Friday and nobody on Saturday. On Friday I could go dancing on my own to my sance school, and I habe not gone to dance classes because it is too far. Plus I do not want to drive, I feel lazy and depressed.

The beach is making feel isolated. I do not know what I did. I do not regret, I can always move back to the city next year, but it is so much money. Not thown away, because it is giving peace, but I do not know, I stilll feel like a little girl abandoned and that I am afraid is going to be very hard to change.

Let us see if I can upload some pictures.

001 is what I see from the balcony, 002 id turning my head down to see the swimming pool, and 003 is where I have my coffee and breakfast, and lunch and a glass o wine at night, everyday.

It is a wonderful place. Thank you Lord for this opportunity.

As you can see I go up and down like a roller coaster.


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 12:19:33 PM »

In all likelihood there's no right or wrong here, just what you want ... and it sounds like either choice is fine.

I don't know much about your background and story, but if having the private job with beach time helps you recuperate, there's much value in that.

One thing to think about, which no one here has mentioned, is things like retirement benefits. I don't know where you live, but I know our state has fabulous retirement benefits -- I think it's why so many people stick out teaching. Our teachers retire with hefty salaries and FULL MEDICAL BENEFITS, for which they pay nothing. There are many other retirement benefits as well. My sister retired from teaching and I think she gets at least $50,000 in pension every year, quite possibly more. (I don't ask too much!)

Also, your state may have an experience "ladder" like ours does: every year you teach counts a certain amount toward your pay level and your retirement benefits. Retirement is usually based on number of years served.

I would look very carefully into all the public school benefits and see what they are. I doubt a private school would match them. But, there are many reasons to work for a private school.

I also think it depends on how much you like to drive, and what kind of traffic you would be facing. I like to drive, so my long commute doesn't bother me. (Makes me a little tired.) But you may not like to drive, and that could be a big factor. If you're going to be full of anxiety each day on the road, then that is something to consider.

So, I don't think you can make a wrong decision. It's just deciding what you want most.

Aso, the kinds of kids you'd be teaching. Some private schools have great kids to teach, some don't. I had a friend who taught privileged kids in an expensive private school during the day, and unprivileged adults in night school. She much preferred working with the unspoiled adults; didn't like the spoiled rich kids.

You didn't mention whether you're teaching in a charter school or not. I have a friend who does, and he is overwhelmed with meetings and reports and bureacratic nonsense, and spends many extra hours a day working on that kind of stuff than normal. They pretty much own him. For instance, they required him to come in on Saturdays all spring (with extra pay) to teach a prep class for the standardized tests these charter schools must meet.

All this extra work is not the case in a public school, usually.

I wouldn't worry about breaking or not breaking your contract. I used to worry about that all the time, but in business, at least, it's not an issue. As long as you do it professionally, I don't see an issue. Most of us like to meet that kind of behaviorial standard, and it's nice when we can. But it's not a reason that should stop you from doing what you want.

Hope that helps!



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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 12:44:57 PM »
Thank you everybody for the nice responses. They are all equally resasoble. I will drive to the intervew and see how much time it takes. If it is less than an hour I am off for that.

Also there are two more openings in public schools that are much closer than those 50 miles. I just sent my resume and will be waiting for them to contact me.

And yes, I prefer, public schools. Retirement and union, and bigger beneifts.

And Lili it is a charter school and they do own you and ask you to come on Saturdays and after cschool and do not pay you for that. I am scared.

Certain Hope

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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 01:08:07 PM »

It's wonderful that there are public school teaching positions located closer to your new home!

All of that driving and vehicle-related expense is just a particular turn-off of mine.

After reading Lily's reply and getting a better understanding of these charter schools, I think the idea of this employer "owning" you is an even bigger turn-off.

I mean, I'm sure you would manage fine for a year or however long it might take you to locate a more desireable position, but if there are other opportunities presenting themselves now, then it sure makes sense to consider them!   Lily's description of professionally breaking a "contract" agreement has changed my outlook alot. Thanks, Lily!



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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 01:21:01 PM »
Well, gee, glad I could be so helpful!!

Yes, Lupita. If you can find a way to go from a charter school to a public school, do it!! Definitely. One thing to remember is that, if I am correct, charter schools are usually part of a ...... CORPORATION. Which means BIG BUSINESS!!!!!!!! Which means profit and loss ... which puts a whole new set of dynamics into the workplace.

I know my friend has been absolutely miserable. He's very smart, he loves teaching -- the kids are what saves his sanity -- but he really hates all the extra stuff that comes with the charter school. He's looking for a PS job -- and they would be so lucky to have him.

Try to calm those fears. What are they??

And boy, your view is incredible. I don't think I'd want to give that up, either.

Sorry you're feeling so lousy. Not sure what to say, other than that I hear you.


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2008, 10:19:04 PM »
Hey Lup...

Are there any retired women in your apartment building?
You're surrounded by human beings, gotta go meet some!

Can you bang on a few doors and say, I'm new here, I wanted to ask you where the best market is for ___, or whatever. See who's friendly and maybe you can invite somebody over for a glass of wine!

You're doing great, hon. I know what the counselor said was painful. Stay with the thought, and you will move through it. You really will find your way to independence.

And if it's in fits and starts, don't feel alone. I would go fetal sometimes if I could get away with it.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2008, 02:23:16 PM »
Thank you Hops. Today I went to the grill, They have a grill for the use of costumers here outside on the beach. I had a blast asking several men how to use it. LOL.

Loved it. Then I ate my chicken grilled almost tosted.

I have an interview in a public school 50 miles from where I am. I will go. There are other openings and I am waiting for them to call me, I already sent my resume.

Let us see what happens. Worst case scenario I am stuck with a charter school where they are going to exploite me, and I will work close to home, close to the beach, it is a wonderful view the road to the school, and will be small classes and just half hour classes which will be a piece of cake.

I am not complaining, just aspiring for something better.

I am complaining of loneliness. Why? I do not know. Nobody can have company all the time. Still, I had company friday, saturday and sunday, and still felt lonely on monday. Too childish I guess. I need to grow up. It is just to difficult.

Thank you Hopalong for your empathy.


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Re: public versus private.
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2008, 03:20:28 PM »
HI friends, I had an interview yesterday in a public school. A lady from the district and the principal. The lady was very excited about my ideas and mu enthusiasm, the principal did not make eye contact at all with me and said a few words only. I suspet she had somebody else already and she is interviewing because she has to. What called my attention is that they were late and I waited three interviews of other people before me and they did not close the door and ciscussed after each people, they used 45 minutes and then called te next one at the same time that they were saying good bye to the previous. After me I saw that they claosed the door and stayed ther for a long time. I wanted the bathroom, a drink of water and asked for to use the phone and tooke me about 20 minutes and when I left they had not left that room and the next candidates were still waiting. I assume that they were interested on me. God will provide if he wants me in a publuic school, all I can do is try.


Look forward, move forward with hope like Juno says,
