I feel really good about how I am now.
…good at my work
…no toxic people around me
…have the toxic family fenced off
…left the female therapist who wasn’t understanding
…have lost all resentment and anger
…have come to terms with a crooked leg. It’s not that bad.
…my place is clean and orderly
…have a new therapist
He is just 7 minutes away from me and because I have all my ducks in a row, and my life is built with good bricks, holding together, I want to talk with him and for him to supply the mortar for where it’s missing.
I saw him today for the first time, after I explained a lot in an email. I see him next week for 3 hours and he knows what I want, in terms of being a short-term client/patient.
He sucked in his breath and said, “Not right! Not right!” when I mentioned my sister bringing my daughter only once in 2 months. He said I was totally justified in making it an issue with her. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!