Well, THIS step is done... reintegration. I didn't do a thing to "make" this happen except LISTEN very closely to what Twiggy (my inner child; my unconscious self) had to say and claim her story, her feelings, her thoughts.... as ME.
She was getting impatient with me, because she thinks I'm dense... grownups are too slow to "get it", you know? Never mind, that I've been well-schooled to ignore her, dismiss her story, minimize everything she survived, and try to whitewash - and explain away - what happened. The reason for that follows... but it should be obvious to anyone here who's dealt with N's... and dysfunctional FOO's.
When I asked Twiggy what she wanted... that if she could have anything what would it be? She said she wanted to be "like before"... a whole self. I realized that my smoking was a way to prevent that from happening... to push her & her feelings to one side... I was reinforcing the message that I got from my FOO... that I wasn't important; I didn't matter.
SS's work with humiliation - and the walking with her on that path that I did - helped me to realize that the ultimate humiliation is the realization that you don't matter to your parents. INDIFFERENCE to my achievements, prevention of pursuing goals, parentification - and the responsibility of caring for, teaching, my brother and taking over my mother's responsibilities and then enduring criticism for it... were all ways that I learned I didn't matter.
Not being allowed to know the facts of my rape - and the horrible aftermath... not being allowed to even feel my normal feelings about it... equaled: I don't matter. The focus was always on my brother - the golden child. ALWAYS. Before and after the traumas. I didn't matter, except to criticize when I attempted to fulfill my mother's role in the family and still maintain my only path to freedom & escape - my school work - and ya know, it was a LOT to put on a 12 yr old. Especially a 12 yr old who'd been FORCED to split off a part of herself to be "acceptable" to her mother. Because, what no one realized, is that those feelings don't just disappear...
... those feelings plagued me through self-sabotage, through self-destructive habits like I was possessed by some hidden, powerful demon. It was just Twiggy trying to get my attention... to get me to reclaim her... to help her be like she was before. 40 years of this before I finally realized that I CAN claim her... her story... and her feelings.
I've told the story of the angel that rescued me (dissociation) during the rape. Just before I regained consciousness, he gave me his sword and told me it wasn't "my time" yet. I cried, begged & pleaded to not have to go back. Because I didn't want to have to endure the WORSE misery of my life with my family... I desired to stay "dead" rather than face the "trouble" and insanity that I knew would be my fate. This desire got turned into that self-sabotage and self-destruction, I think.
I learned to make excuses, used my creativity to explain away the dysfunction in my family - to PRETEND that I was an important part of it... and in one way, it was my effort that was responsible for everyone's getting through those tough years. Because I CARED. I had compassion for everyone BUT ME... a big ole' softy heart that believed that if I worked hard enough, sacrificed myself enough - hell, if I died trying - THEN, they would care about me.
But they didn't. They don't. They believe the wonderful fairy-tales I created about us - and the way we "were". They are totally indifferent to me - my life - and my feelings: TODAY. What I never realized until today, is that IS freedom. And because Twiggy/me is the ONLY one of the family who knows the WHOLE TRUTH and is willing to tell it... therein lies immense power as well. Because I can completely destroy the fairy-tale lies that they believe and their image of themselves simply by TELLING the TRUTH.
But I won't. It will be denied again - and there's no point sticking my hand in THAT fire, again.
Twiggy was very, very interested in power. She learned as much as she could about it and what she was most interested in was the wise use of power. By reclaiming ALL of Twiggy I can finally USE power to finish saving my self... to stop the habits - the reflex to prefer death over life - to use my compassion, my caring to finish up this long, long journey and to use the power of that caring where it is wanted, needed, and appreciated.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's MUCH BETTER, now.