This IS life changing, SS.
I have a basement story. I put everything down there and left it. Could NOT go down there, could not face it. Then: a flood. And I lay above it thinking, oh well. Furniture, antiques, paintings, all my own stuff and my brothers', from school. Didn't care. Then I heard my cat crying. WHY he was down there and refusing to come up, I don't know. But I went down, around midnight. Started bailing. Bucket by bucket, up the stairs, out into the dark. Finally set up a table that was already down there, brought down some cheese and crackers, found a bottle of champagne, opened it (the wine was stored down there). All night, I bailed, the kitty sat in the other chair, and we ate Brie and Trisquits.
Meaning? probably nothing. But it's the small things, sometimes, looking back, I remember.