Hi Ami,
Big question, isn't it? For starters, I think people, even "mature healthy adults" are interdependent.
What the heck was that movie with Tom Hanks- the one when he was marooned on that island? He met all of his own survival needs, because he had no one else to do it. Yet he still drew a face on that ball, gave it a name, (tried to make it a Thou rather than an it?) thus having a companion.
Needs? Wants? I was going to say I need for my H and friends to be honest and faithful, but I have to say I want that, because I
would be able to survive without it, even though it wouldn't feel like it.
Is that along the lines of what you meant?
I was thinking about your six month mark passing. Time can feel so variable during grieving. I think I just identified what I think is
a need ! We are the ones who have to do the grieving, though others can hinder or help. OK, before I get too circular, I'll end here and see what others have to say.
cats paw