For me, Forgiveness is not an all or nothing thing.
This morning I woke up and realised that my N father really truly
does not know the damage he does to others. It was astounding to me because the neglect and entitlement and grandiosity and abuse is to easy for me to see. But he seems truly confused whenever I suggest that I need something more from him. SO that even tho I am living with him, and he is critical and neglectful, I find myself feeling sorry for him. Sad for him that he is such an emotional child. He accomplishes a lot, but never seems to really enjoy his accomplishments.. (even tho he brags) I dont see the normal sense of fulfillment in him that achievements would bring to a normal person. He discounts himself at the same time as he boasts.
What helps me to forgive, although I can only forgive sporadically and incompletely, is that he treats him own heart no better than he treats mine. he doesnt love himself either. Its all a charade.
He broke down once and admitted that he felt like a total failure, that he had never been good enough. This was after he was diagnosed with cancer. It was a moment of truth, but then he forgot it... I of course, remember what he said word for word.
I too allow myself to fantasize about how when he dies he will have to feel all the pain he caused my mother and me. My worst fear is that he will be met by angels and let off the hook, never having to understand what he did to us. Obviously its easier for me to forgive if I believe God will punish!
Some days I wonder, what did I do to deserve this father? Was I a narcissist in a past life? Or maybe it is some sort of test to see if I can
love unconditionally.
Elizabeth Kubler Ross in one of her books, stated, Why should an advanced soul judge a kindergardener? Narcissists sure seem to be spiritual kindergardeners. Perhaps if we can find love or forgiveness
in some degree towards the N's in our life, we will grow spiritually.
(this does not mean taking any abuse... by the way)
Of course, this means we are superior to the N's. does this make us
N's too? LOLOL
Lastly, what I need to forgive is God, for giving me the N's who tortured me. At least God didnt make me a N, a person who never could feel
close to or equal to another person. it must be hell to be an N.
Thanks for reading these musings.