Hi SS:
But boy did I have an insight into what it was like as a child telling people that someone (my mother) had been mean. Noone would listen.
Paging Alice Miller!!!!!!!!! That was a lesson in Gas lighting & denial for you, your son & your inner child (& maybe your son's future inner child!!!!). Wow, an invaluable,painful, sobering, insightful & conscious lesson & experience. The empathy you feel for your son and validation you gave him is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Right On, Mama!!!!!! Living in the moment allows us to be consciously insightful.
Up until that point, if I had a problem I could go to my grandfather and he would get it taken care of.
All of a sudden I had noone to turn to and problems began amassing.....alone with a family falling apart, and for the very first time in my life with absolutely noone to turn to.
Re: your dream, I will repeat myself: I think your insights into your dream are invaluable, painful, sobering & conscious.
As I see it, it's not an issue of your socio-economics, but rather that your dad had been a 'big man' in the outer community, but was emotionally distant & unsupportive of you, his daughter, which is so typically N: Ns look good to outsiders, but they often suck when it comes to their nearest & dearest, whatever their socio-economics. I mean, if he hadn't been Fortune 500, perhaps he would have been Chief Raccoon/Grand Poobah of the local Elks club, but he would still be emotionally MIA towards you & unsupportive of you. Is that what you meant?
Assuming that's what you meant, you had an emotionally empathetic & supportive relationship w/ your grandfather & after he died, you no longer had any emotionally empathetic & supportive relationship. ZAP!, your emotionally empathetic & supportive relationship vanished & you could not find anyone to replace it & your dad certainly couldn't be an emotionally empathetic & supportive substitute because he's an N.
And,on top of it all, your NF starts decompossing at the same time you lose your GF & you move home after your divorce: the perfect storm- all sh*t hits at once and you've been raised by Ns, so you have almost no faith in yourself (did you even have a 'self'?), you're tortured by self doubt, anger, grief,loss, shame,self judgment, self hate, etc. If I'm reading/projecting your situation accurately, IMO, the feeling of overwhelming powerlessness would be a normal reaction, especially for someone raised by Ns.
IMO, when we are raised by Ns, it's very, very hard to feel, see that we CAN have power. I suppose this feeling of powerlessness is a corollary of being voiceless. We've been raised to believe we have no power, no voice BECAUSE our powerlessness/voicelessness suits & serves our NPs. They didn't/don't want us to have power or a voice, because if we had power or a voice, then we wouldn't serve them by being their N supply. The Mad Scientist doesn't want the zombie to have power or a voice, because if the zombie had those things, the zombie would no longer be a zombie. And, a non-zombie won't serve his master.
I was bitter and angry. Noone in their right mind would be reaching out but that powerlessness and rejection and alienation has left me with no sense of being able to get back on my feet and that is not true.
Sooooooo cool that you see this. You now understand the perceptions & feelings that you had, but now, you see that you can get your power back. Like Dorothy, she always had the power to go home, but she didn't know it, didn't realize it.
This insight will help open the way to clear this detrius away. Oh, yes, I hear the vacuum humming already, detrius, be gone!
My son's experience gave me an opportunity to help him understand that he must trust himself even when adults dismiss him. Yes, teach him assertiveness and the difference between assertiveness vs. aggression.
That, I pray, will help him retain his power. I know you will and you will also retain your power.
SS, as you can see, I'm working out my thoughts & issues right there with ya. Thank you so much for that opprtunity.
love to you,