Author Topic: Needing Some advice  (Read 6516 times)


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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2008, 12:30:19 PM »

Sounds like you & H really need to have a talk.

(((((((((((Tay))))))))))))).  I know it's hard.



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2008, 12:48:34 PM »
Ann, I"ve tried to talk to her.  She either says I'm taking things out of context.  My memory is faulty.  I am unable to think of anyone but myself, even though, I don't seem to think about myself at all.    She gets upset and her real feelings start coming out.  Or she "mock insults" me and says she's playing.

I'm thinking our next T session going to be a family session with all 3 of us.

She keeps saying she's going to get her teaching license.  She's blamed me for not giving her the money, even though I've told her more than once to just pay for it.  She never has signed up for the classes.  Now she's hips deep in this rescue, and it looks like that's going to talk all of her time.  So, she still doesn't have a job other than babysitting 2 kids for pennies and a contract job that ends in April.  The rescue is all she thinks about now.

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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2008, 01:03:09 PM »
She either says I'm taking things out of context.  My memory is faulty.  I am unable to think of anyone but myself, even though, I don't seem to think about myself at all.    She gets upset and her real feelings start coming out.  Or she "mock insults" me and says she's playing.


I'm sorry to say, but this sounds like gaslighting, emotional blackmailing & other stuff that Ns & BPDs do.

Do a family sessions w/ all 3 of you if you want (but, do you think that's OK for your son?), however, IMO, definitely have a session w/ just you & your T, so you will be free to express yourself & sort out your feelings.

How do you think your relationship is effecting your son?  I assume he feels the tension.

Problem is if you breakup w/H, she will probably cause a scene & I'm sure you don't want M to witness the ugliness.  Also, if H isn't working, how can she move out if she has no $?  So, if you contemplate breakup, please discuss this with your T & have a plan to protect M.



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2008, 01:20:30 PM »
Oh, he feels the tension.  I found out some things last night that really disturb me.

I'm afraid if I break up with her, she will be the type of person to become obsessive.  I broke it off once, and she continued to pursue.  Besides, it would be hard for me to just kick her out when she has nothing.  I would feel guilty about that.  That's why I feel so trapped.  The times when it's just me, M and the dogs, I actually relax.  I was even able to write a little one day.  I can't do that with H there.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2008, 01:23:56 PM »
That's why I feel so trapped.

Bingo!!  You feel trapped.  IMO, this is what you need to discuss with your T in a session alone w/ yr T.



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2008, 01:38:38 PM »

 I hope counseling helps you to find good answers for yourself, Tayana.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2008, 01:42:51 PM »
OK, you wrote something that tripped my red alert button... sorry to say.

If she's yelling at M for things that are obviously NOT his fault, I gotta BIG problem with that. Call me over-protective... but that's uncalled for, out of line, and to me would justify putting her out of your life. Even if it was an issue - yelling at him isn't going to help him learn to be more of anything, except yelled at.

As for kicking her out: please don't feel guilty if you choose your sanity and M over H. I'm seeing, from what you've described, that she is actually not giving you much choice... and this will fuel her internal victim role... and of course, she'll feel justified in being ugly toward you. NONE of that is anything more than her script... it's not reality, it's gaslighting like Ann said.

Please take back your power to decide what your home will be like, how you will live and what life is like for M. You aren't "doing" anything to H by resuming control of what is yours to control. She's done it to herself by not being willing to communicate like an adult, by imposing the rescue dogs on your household and not taking responsibility for the work this creates, and for blaming you - for everything.

You may feel pity and empathy for her situation... but that's exactly how she hooks you into the "game" she's playing, where she's controlling the whole situation and making you miserable. Know that, and set a clear boundary of what you will/won't do because of your empathy. (Easier said than done - I know... but I have a feeling you'll hear that advice more than once.)
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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2008, 01:45:58 PM »
I'm afraid if I break up with her, she will be the type of person to become obsessive.  I broke it off once, and she continued to pursue.  Besides, it would be hard for me to just kick her out when she has nothing.  I would feel guilty about that. 



H isn't your minor child.

M is.



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2008, 03:53:44 PM »
Hi Tay,

You sound like you are sorting your emotions and in some way feeling responsible for your partner.   

Your a very compassionate and caring person.  You give share and give and think of others all the time.  This is a good quality as well as one that can get you into a mess.

I also have to be carefull of my compassion.  What I mean is I can have it and I can say NO with compassion or just No.

I once with exh had the same feelings as you and said the same thing as you.  I just can't kick them into the street, where would they go.  The T said why can you not?  They have no place to go.

His response was....he is an adult he can take care of himself the only one you are responsible for is your Child and yourself. 

Now I do understand that is is very difficult to say...Get Out if they have no place to go.  Do you really think that she would be in the street?  I would probably bet not. 

So this is where we come in thinking We are some how responsible for other Adults....we are not. 

Now I do think compassion has alot to do with it but (for me) it was not the only thing.  My T called me out on it. 

I don't understand why is it he is there.  You don't want him there and you don't make him go, what is it Deb......

Mine was financial.  I was not ready to just throw him out.  I needed a plan.  I needed to get things together.  I would be flat broke and not only dealing with emotions but dealing with real life Needs....Basic needs.  And really dealing with the situation.  I pretty much gaslighted myself.  I was difficult for me to just be honest with myself and own my feelings......I pretty much didn't like him and that felt yucky to me because I was already deeply involved (married).  I jumped in too fast with my ex (kind of like you) and then was horrified at the What happened to the guy I the guy who I'm married the guy I the guy I'm married to...and it was not just little Quirks of differences when you live together.  And he did act like both the whole time...nice guy...crazy guy...needy guy..mean guy....nice guy....but I knew I was not happy with the relationship and I tried to talk myself into everything that I should stay or he should stay....till I realized.....
I was doing to much talking to myself and convincing or trying...when the real part of me...the true feelings wanted Out...

So here is what was really going on with me.  I was pretty much not wanting to be with him in a relationship or wanting or even be able to stay in one without losing my sanity eventually and on the same hand not sure if I would live in the street.  Which was another (gaslight) of myself (that would never happen) I always had some place to go and I could fend for myself. 
I gave up my power Tay.  Well not gave it up.  I didn't want to feel it.  It was screaming at me and haunting me (like it seems to be doing to you) the way you are speaking....Listen to yourself. 

I had just moved out of my house about 1 year before I met my ex-h.  I was vulnerable and scared at some times.  I was young and unexperienced and got myself into a mess.  I was pregnant before I married my ex.  And then holy hell broke out.  In between I had a loss of a baby and his true self really came through among other Nut things.   Criminal things that rocked my socks when I found out. 

I was trying to compromise myself and I felt like I was being N and the user at this point.  My T said, Deb are you afraid you are going to be just like him?  Do you feel like you are using him for the paycheck?  Are you feeling like you will be mean and selfish if you just throw him out .....because I assure are not.  You are not N.  You are self protecting and protecting your child.  Ignore him, get yourself together, a plan, save money somewhere else, and if you feel from 5 mins to 0 that he has to go then do it.
You are not responsible for him he can take care of himself.  You are responsible for you and your children. 

Now everyones situation is different and somewhat alike on this board.

The only advice I have for you (from my own experience) of questioning myself and the relationship (the real deal) what you see is what you to always be true to yourself.  It is perfectly fine to say No and set your boundaries then enforce them and not feel guilty for doing it.  Compromise is one thing and No it is not acceptable is another.  It appears your compromises have been violated right into I have a boundary that Must be Enforced. 

I had so much built up resentment.  But all along it was my power that I gave away and was mad that I did and at the same time felt guilty if I took power and enforced.  Does this make any sense to you.  I don't know how to explain it. 

You are at a vulnerable time.  You have started something with out coming to terms with something else. 

I had also which made me even more vulnerable because I didn't finish one thing before I started another and it all snowballed into a Mess which I thought I was the only one who should of took care of it.  And yes in reality that is correct but I was trying to take care of my ex and his problems too....

I was not responsible for him...period.   Compromise, yes, boundary cross, No.  Sometimes they do get crossed in normal relationships and have to be changed, more enforced, whatever....I didn't know the difference of what was what or how to do it...and only knew they were being crossed. 

Try enforcing them Tay.  No you will not.  No enough is enough. 

Your partner is having a tantrum and over steps her grounds.  She needs to be put back into her own place, tantrum or not.  I felt more like my ex's mother then I did his wife to a very trouble spoiled teenager who would through out manipulations and tantrums and I resented that very much.  She needs to Grow Up and the question is...Will she?  Up to her. 

It's not your job to raise her and it's not her job to raise your son.  She can be part of your life and a parent figure to M but she really truly cannot parent him.  You are the parent with a child and she Joined your already made family. 

It is difficult, yes it is, when you have a relationship with a child who is already older when you meet someone else.  I know.  I met my husband when my other children were 9 and 10.  He was not Dad.  He will never be dad but he is a father figure and a role model.  The discipline, the bottom line, is all mine.  He supports me, we discuss things but he never Ever tried Ever to take over. 

What is going to happen Tay when M turns around and say...YOUR NOT MY your partner.   I can almost assure you it will happen.  It's  a rebellion, I want to hurt your feelings, I'm pissed off reaction from a child.  We expected it. We discussed it and it did happen from both my children.

I stepped right in.  I validated them that he was not they were correct and that they needed to call their dad for everything they wanted in the near future.  I would give them their aunts tele number they could hunt him down.  We would not be conned or manipulated or guilty of their bad behaviour and they were trying to hurt us with words and that it meant nothing to us.  We were not hurt and know they are mad but oh well too bad the punishment stands and that is from ME. That they were loved and always will be by both of us and thier words were just that words.  Anotherwords we understood what they were doing and why.   They never did it again and lots of tears and I'm sorry. 

These are things that you may or may not come across Tay.  And your partner has to be more grown up then your Child. 

There is a long road ahead of you and many *test* you will be put through by your child.  A push your button test and what they can find to really piss you off from something they are mad about or feel is unjust to them.

Do you want this from your partner too? 

Yes Tay your partner sounds needy and immature.

I'm sorry this was lengthy.

You have alot on your plate and alot of emotions going on.  Don't push yourself so hard.  Don't force a decision let it come to you.
It can be overwhelming, I know. 

And it's alright to say, Oh Hell NO....

Lots of love and thoughts to you....

and I'm sorry it sucks when you are going through these emotions....I hear ya Tay.



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2008, 05:01:31 PM »

I'm trying to sort everything out, because I do care about her, and I don't want to hurt her.  She told me she just keeps building up a wall because she knows the blow is coming.  That's the way her life always works.  She never gets what she wants.  I told her once I wondered if she didn't get what she wanted because she didn't believe she deserved it.  She rolled her eyes at me and said I was the one who didn't believe I deserved anything. 

M does think of her as a parent figure.  I think he's a little scared of her.  She really makes him work and work when it's just the two of them.  She told him that he shouldn't complain because life was about work, not having fun.  I wondered why the T thought M was depressed.  I'm starting to see why.

I think in the beginning I was content to do whatever she wanted to keep her happy.  I know I bought things and made changes I didn't necessarily want to make.   I thought that was compromising.  I sold tons of stuff.  Donated tons of things.  I bought new furniture because she didn't like mine.  I sold furniture that I liked, etc.  I said nothing about the arrangement of things because it was the way she wanted.  Now, I think I'm starting to get tired of doing everything her way.  When we first started seeing each other, I liked her input about M, but now she seems to think he's her child.  She actually got upset with me when I didn't want her to go a doctor appointment for M with me.  She said it was like I didn't trust her.

I started doubting some of the things she said M told her about his grandma, about school, about me.  They just didn't sound right.  She would snipe at me about spending money, but say nothing about her own charges.  She convinced me to get a joint account, even though I didn't really want to.  I paid off her car so she wouldn't have to go to court.  I offered to pay for her classes.  Yet, she still tells me I only think of myself.  When I try to talk to her, then she does one of two things, she tells me I'm the most intelligent person she knows and I have a brain.  I should use it.  She says I'm always turning her into my mom, which I"m not, but sometimes her tone of voice triggers that deer in the headlights feeling and I can't think.  Or else she says I'm manipulating her into falling into my pity party.  Like the other night with getting the pups settled.  I got tired of her sniping at me.  I finally snapped when she asked me if we had any dog blankets clean.  Her exact words were, "I guess we don't have any dog blankets."  I'd spent all day washing up all of the dog stuff.  I still haven't gotten all my clothes washed yet.  I was just tired of her little attitude and her rush, rush, and blaming me for things that didn't work.  When I said I was tired of her being pissed because I wasn't moving fast enough or doing things right, she told me she wasn't buying into my pity party.  I wasn't looking for a pity party.  I just wanted her to stop sniping at me.  She said she was tired and just wanted it done.  I told her to go to bed.  By the time she went to bed, she'd cooled off.  I was exhausted because I couldn't sleep the night before.  I hadn't gone to sleep until four and had gotten up at eight.  But apparently, ten hours isn't enough sleep for her, because that's why she was short.  She was tired.  She went to bed and I continued cleaning up until she finally came and said if I was tired I should go to bed.

I don't know how to end it.  I don't know what I want.  I just want someone to love me, really, but I feel like I have to be on guard as much with H as I did with my parents.  She claims she and M walk on eggshells around me, but I"m not sure that's true.  I think it's the other way around.  I wish I could just get over my fear enough to tell her to stop when she starts sniping at us.  I just haven't been able to do it.  When I do, then I undermine her authority with M and she gets upset.

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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2008, 05:32:07 PM »
She told me she just keeps building up a wall because she knows the blow is coming.  That's the way her life always works.  She never gets what she wants.

She is setting you up 100%. We here can see what you may not be able to see - we are at a distance. But everything she says to you is a way to keep you from taking any action that would be good for you. She makes it so that you are stuck doing everything her way so she doesn't "feel bad." It is pure manipulation. All of it, Tay.

She was in the same situation before she met you that she would be in if you asked her to leave now. As deb pointed out, she is AN ADULT. And, as Lighter pointed out, the only people you are (and should be) responsible to, are your minor ( and innocent) son, and yourself.

Please, please, think about letting this "relationship" go. This is not anything but a person using you. You are too kind to believe it, I think, but I really believe it is true.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2008, 06:16:35 PM »
     H seems to treat you as your M did,with little respect while you keep trying to be better . I wish I could bury FOO patterns in the ground, never to return.      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2008, 07:57:09 PM »
I think he's a little scared of her.  She really makes him work and work when it's just the two of them.  She told him that he shouldn't complain because life was about work, not having fun.  I wondered why the T thought M was depressed.  I'm starting to see why.


Please speak to your T about M being depressed, that's a serious concern.

I just want someone to love me, really, but I feel like I have to be on guard as much with H as I did with my parents.

Tay, we all want to be loved, but at what price?  What I'm learning is that the place to start is loving ourselves and loving ourselves enough so that we don't subject ourselves to abuse.

I think it's wonderful that you have expressed your feelings here.  Perhaps print out your posts & discuss them with your T?

 I don't know what I want.
IMO, this is the key to your predicament. Once you figure out what you want, you can set your priorities and all will fall into place.  If we don't know what we want, how can we make the right decisions?



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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2008, 08:02:17 PM »
IMO, this is the key to your predicament. Once you figure out what you want, you can set your priorities and all will fall into place.  If we don't know what we want, how can we make the right decisions?



You are so smart, Ann!                 Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Needing Some advice
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2008, 08:18:45 PM »
Dear Tay,

Why does this girlfriend have any authority over your son????

Much less to the point of yelling at him???????

This is not acceptable. Every book on step-parenting says NO, do NOT be the discipliarian for your partner's child.

Know what it reminds me of? EXACTLY what you experienced with your mother.

Your mother tried to take over the role of authority over and PARENT IN CONTROL of your child.

Hon, this is about you not knowing you have a right to happiness and peace.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."