Beth, I can't really take a break. The most break I get is at night when she's working. She lives with me, and if I suggested a break she would take that as a sign of rejection.
Okay so here's the whole thing, and I guess why I can't sleep anymore. It's 1 am. I'm exhausted, and I just can't bring myself to sleep. My mind just keeps going and going and going.
I had one dog when we met, a little boston terrier. Ever since we met, she's been jealous of my dog. She didn't like for me to pet him or talk about him or play with him when she was around. She always complained I loved the dog more than her. Then I got a second dog, and all she would do is talk about how I kept talking about "my dog" or "M's dog." I hadn't gotten to the stage where they were "our dogs." I still hadn't gotten to the level where I was thinking in terms of "we," even though she seemed to think I was the love of her life.
Things were wonderful for a while. I was NC with my family when I bought and moved into my house. I had no help except for my GF, and then she lost her job. I was so overwhelmed with the house, moving, school, and work, that she decided to give me a bit of a break and help me do some of thing painting and things around the house, which she did.
Unfortunately, I started discovering that she only likes things done her way. She wouldn't let me help, or if I did help she was get "frustrated" at me because she wasn't giving clear instructions and I didn't know what I was supposed to do. She claims that I just stand there waiting for her to tell me what to do, but she doesn't ever tell me what she has in mind. Anytime she gets mad, her solution is just to storm off and say nothing, so I don't know where she is or anything. She doesn't say she needs to cool down. And if she doesn't do that, then she starts telling me she's scared of me and crying and telling me she's worthless. She has a complex because I'm the bread winner, so she feels like she needs to take over everything else so as not to "stress me out."
A month after we moved into the house, she decided she wanted her own dog. I can legally have 3 in my city. So she adopted cattle dog that needs lots and lots of exercise, is hyper, has no manners, etc. The very first thing he did was attack my dog. I wanted to get rid of him then, and she took him to the shelter, but couldn't give him up because they were going to put him down. We agreed to work with him, but he's still unruly after several months. He still attacks my dog, but her attitude is that mine always deserves it and starts it. We have totally different attitudes about this.
She got us involved in an animal rescue, and this has only added to the stress. Now I have a rotating supply of pups. Currently I have sixteen dogs. I don't want that many. My house feels like it has turned into a shelter. I spend hours cleaning, but she complains that the house still looks like crap. She doesn't really help out, but she tells me she spends the whole day working. She's currently babysitting kids, only 2, and she has given up finding others. In the afternoons when they go to school she takes a nap because she has to get up so early. I understand that watching kids is hard work. I empathize with that, but she seems to think I do nothing at my job but play. So when I say I'm tired after I come home, she doesn't believe me. Instead I spend more time working at home. By the time, I get ready for bed, I'm exhausted, or else I'm so stressed out I can't sleep, like now.
So, she accuses me of doing nothing. She says she's decided that I should do everything since she was doing it all before. Until she started this new job, I was doing all of the yard work when I got home from my job. I didn't get to play with my dogs or my kid or anything else. I had grass to mow. Landscaping to redo, and I now have half dozen projects that won't be finished until spring. It's getting too cold to do them now.
With M, she wants to be "mom." At one point, she was totally excluding me from stuff at M's school, unless it was something he'd done wrong. She was signing his assignment book, etc, and I just felt excluded. When I said something she was very offended, and that I didn't want her to be involved. It wasn't that I didn't want her involved, or want her help, I just didn't feel like I was being included. In fact, I felt like she was taking over, and I just wanted to feel like we were a team, not a pair of individuals. Of course, when I say anything, she just makes me feel guilty because of all the stuff she's doing, but apparently, she doesn't feel I contribute much of anything, other than a paycheck.
She keeps saying she's going to get her teaching license. I told her I had the resources to pay for it. I told her to let me know how she wanted to do it. She never did. She brought it up again a few days ago, and I said I can put it on a credit card if you wnat to pay it all now or let me know if you want to pay it in increments and I'll budget for it. She made no committement, in fact, it seemed like she felt like I'd just told her no. What she makes at her two jobs makes little contribution to the overall expenses of my house. I just got my real estate tax bill, and she was dismayed that I had to pay that. I'd told her before I was expecting that. She just couldn't believe it, and was convinced some mistake had been made.
I'm almost to the point I wish I was single again, no matter how I feel about her. Anytime I express doubts, then she starts begging and saying how afraid she is that I'm going to leave her because I'm the best thing that ever happened to her.
I've talked to my T about it, and when she was going to the T with me, it seemed like things were good. Now, I just feel like nothing I do pleases her. When I try to tell her that, then she says I'm generalizing and she feels like a jerk. She's done nothing but act "frustrated" and snipe at me for the last six weeks, because apparently I don't notice the effort she's making. She says she did this other job for me, even though I told her to do it, if she wanted to. What she makes at the job, makes no difference budget wise.
When I've tried to write at home, then she's offended because I'm not paying attention to her.
I'm not quite sure what I feel right now. I still love her, especially when she's being the person I first met, but I don't like her little mood swings that she blames on being tired and "frustrated."