Author Topic: Real Estate Dilemmas  (Read 2478 times)


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Real Estate Dilemmas
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:34:02 PM »
Our wonderful Hoppy has asked for advice, etc on taking over real estate. I think that this is an urgent topic, as Ns often practice financial abuse as well as their emotional and physical abuse- we all seem to get a taste of this at one time or another. Divorce, separation, death, lawsuits between siblings, can become N playgrounds of financial destruction, unless the situations can be turned around.

As far as the house that you are living in, Hoppy, the good news is that the valuation has suffered tremendously because of the mortgage crisis ( unless you are located in an area and market range that remains untouched- quite doubtful as there are few of these) so the amount that you would have to pay anyone else (Doug) with proportionate claims on the equity will have been greatly reduced as well. If the house is sound and in a good area, it is only a matter of time until the equity increases again to previous or even higher levels. You could approach the current lender ( if there is one) and ask them to substitute you on the loan. You could get some help from a mortgage broker in your religious community. You could rent a room, your garage space for storage, get a part time job, etc. for immediate income for expenses and to help qualify for the loan- this need not be forever. Perhaps your daughter could co-sign for the house? With the tax deduction you can claim on the mortgage interest and proparty tax amount taken into consideration, it could very well end up costing the same or less than renting, you would live comfortably, and have an investment as well...

You might also contact your local housing department and ask if they have any programs for "first time homebuyers"- this would depend upon Block Grant funds, etc received by your community. There are often programs which assist homebuyers withdown payments, repairsetc- these need not be repaid until the property is sold or refinanced. Also, I believe that recent tax law changes give a rebate of several thousand dollars to first time homebuyers within a certain period of time. Perhaps you have a friend or fellow churchgoer who is an accountant, etc and can help you get proper information, while providing support? Do you have a relationship with a bank or credit union?

Get some ( hopefully free) 2nd opinions from real estate and estate attorneys- you may be pleasantly surprised at the options when your case is studied from a different perspective. Perhaps you can get the valuation further reduced????

Keep Strong and Keep Your Eyes On The Prize!!!! You can do this...



« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 07:33:12 PM by changing »


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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 11:05:52 AM »
It's so good to see you posting again, Changing:)

You always have such a practical outlook.


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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2009, 11:14:59 AM »
.....lawsuits between siblings, can become N playgrounds of financial destruction......

And there you said a mouthful, changing.



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2009, 12:24:49 AM »


Changing, good to see you back.

Hops, I am in an almost identical situation.  I know how how emotionally draining it can be.  Best wishes to you for a good outcome in all ways.



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2009, 03:28:31 AM »
Mo2, Mud, TT-

Thank you for your posts. Mo2 you are phenomenal.
Mr. Mud, you are so right about the way that things, especially N adversarial contests, work and your words were more useful than the advice of my expensive lawyer       ( wish that I could have retained you instead)- the only progress that was made was when the Worm was directly confronted in the light of day via legal procedure- no amount of negotiations would do anything but worsen the situation. Thank you again for your encouragement and advice.
TT, I too am in a similar fix, though as in all N situations, there are a ton of complexities involved that make every N hell fantasy unique. I hope that the timing of the plummeting house prices, and other aspects of your challenges etc. work beautifully in your favor and you end up in a better position than you dreamed of, and your heart SOARS!!!!
I Missed You All ( But Kept Your Advice With Me).



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2009, 12:13:15 PM »

Hi changing,

I'm beginning to think I'll spend the rest of my life defragging the system (me) deleting cookies, just like I have to do on this computer.  It gets clogged - I have to do maintenance.  Not a very good analogy, but life is a lot like that. 

My daughter has a saying that is helping me right now.  She says, 'shhhh1, be still, be quiet.'  In my situation, the opposing side refuses to negotiate between us to civilly resolve the situation, I'm just waiting.  We all know what should be done.  I know that because it has  been stated in writing via emails or slo mail from me and them, and is no secret.  We could agree outside the confines of a lawyers office, then bring the proposal to the lawyer, let him/her put it in legalise and be done with it, but I guess that hasn't crossed their mind.  I think when N's have an opportunity to flaunt power, everything else is put on the back burner.

Why a parent would leave these inheritance messes is beyond me.   Is it possible that the N thinks they've done such a bang up job raising the perfect child (the one everyone else knows is going to raise hell) that surely their progeny couldn't possibly fight after their passing?  I wonder. 


I'm getting better and better at the waiting thing.  Another thing that helps me is that I don't have any emotion of the personal kind about the property.  I do have some emotion when it comes to principle and the few $ involved. 


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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2009, 02:55:36 PM »

I'm wondering if any one here has experience and opinions about generation skipping wills?



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 03:46:56 AM »
Hi TT-

I know nothing about "generation skipping wills" , but I just wanted to support you in what you are going through. It is so brutal when family etc. are at war over money, and honesty has gone out the window.  Do what you need to to protect your interests ( court etc.) if they are unwilling to negotiate fairly.

Best to You and Eour Endeavors,



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 06:34:10 AM »
tt -

typically, a will is only going to legally state the wishes of the deceased for the probate process. Trusts, etc are the financial vehicles that manage the transfer of assets... and you're correct, it's possible to skip a generation with these trusts. Usually that's done for grandchildren, because they are in the lowest tax bracket... lower than their parents. Trusts are also used to protect charity beneficiaries. I'm getting a first-hand education in all this, lately... but I'm no expert.

My advice, is to check with the financial planning department of a solid, long-time community bank for options. For more general info, check out online: Kiplingers and Smart Money.

Mud: excellent advice to Hops on the real estate market! And Changing - when I need a lawyer, I know who to come to!

What a group of experts we've got here!
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 04:00:44 PM »

Hi changing,

Good news is that mom's estate is small.  Bad news is that mom's estate is small.

You know what I mean!



I didn't know any of that.  How interesting.   

I was just thinking of all the ways a will can be written that end up causing discord.  At least you cited some good reasons why some folk might choose to skip. 




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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2009, 12:02:49 AM »
forgive me for not answering you all yet...
kind of a huge slog right now

but I'll write to you when I get the taxes done!

Meanwhile, ALL your comments are incredibly well timed and so very gratefully received...

love love love to all,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2009, 12:13:21 PM »
but I'll write to you when I get the taxes done!

Heh. So I'm not the only one.



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 04:59:10 AM »
Hello Phoenix, Mud, Hoppy, TT and MO2 -

Things have gotten squirrelly for me the last 2 days- I cannot tell you how much it helps to see your posts here. Bless You!!!

Love to All,



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 12:59:22 PM »

You can't just announce things are "squirrelly" over last 2 days and not tell us how, dear.

Is your health OK?

Safe in house..... taxes filed?


We're with you in spirit..... remember that.



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Re: Real Estate Dilemmas
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2009, 01:29:42 AM »
Hi MO2-

Taxes had to be extended  because Bagworm filed " Single" again ( not correct and he knows it)- this creates a terrible situation for me. Also, I have been getting numerous weird phone calls from his Work Comp lawyer for the Worm on my number from about 3 P.M. until midnight, as well as other calls that sound like people radioing each other, and calls from doctors , creditors, etc for him (sounds nutty, but I have them on tape)... in addition to having my mail transferred. Guess he is still using my number and address in his numerous nefarious dealings ( Work Comp fraud, etc). If I abandoned everything I would still be tracked down- Hopefully this will be over soon and I can get outta Dodge!!!!! No rest for the weary!
No calls , etc today so I am feeling better.
Hope all is well with you!
