My gut instinct tells me not to call. My trust in his words is not there anymore. I want to believe he is a nice guy and my need for intimacy fuels my impulse to call.
Dawning, my opinion:
Trust your guts.
Appreciate your intelligence about the need...and set about creating OTHER space/s in your life where you can experience closeness. In 3-D.
Even if it's a talk-group of Amazons, a meeting of some kind.
Something where people share at a real level.
If it's touch you miss...go give some.
So many young, old, animal bodies will respond gratefully.
The other kind, you'll have again.
He may have gotten your bonding hormones for a time.
But he doesn't deserve to keep them.
I respect your decision not to call and from all my repeated and repeated and repeated experiences of finding rationalizations to pursue men who had distanced themselves...
I can say I wish I had had the dignity to cut it cleanly, and never call, write, post-mortem, any of it...anything that left me yearning.
If you will weather it, it will pass. Just like weather.