Hey, hon...
You go easy on yourself too, okay?
I think your anger is natural and I totally understand it. Your pain, too.
I have been so devastated after rejection that I was frightened by my pain.
It shook me to the core a couple times. Once, I didn't want to live it hurt so badly.
The last time, about 5 years ago I think, with the most serious Nman...I did hit bottom.
I never want to lose myself in love again. I just want a companionable, comfortable-shoe kind of love.
More spiritually and community based than romance-based.
I never wanted that before. I wanted something beautiful, special, unique and magical.
I wanted to be swept away by a tide of oneness -- it would cure everything that was wrong with me and give me everything I lacked.
I was sooooo ripe for being used by an Nman. I'm not, now.
I think the man you were with sounds pretty exploitative. I think he also sounds very unaware.
His comments about previous women, and the blockbuster self-absorbed one: I want a woman with no issues.
('Scuse me. Ahem. But that kind of remark kind of annoys me.)
I love your Indian friend. It's really wrong to take advantage of anyone's loneliness.
The worst thing, for me, was being left completely and fully responsible for myself. Emotionally.
I had no choice but to crawl out of it, one jagged knee-drag at a time.
The Amazons helped. A lot.
This may be a chapter heading in your book, dear Dawning...but it ain't the whole story.
love to you, and a big hug and cuppa something,