Thanks Dawning, ami, Beth and Mo2
Well here it is 1:16 pm and I just got out of bed. This is crazy, but I think I ought to go with it. I read this last night!
Sleep disturbance after major surgery is common. The "surgical stress response", that is the body's response to the trauma of surgery, is quite profound and has an important effect on sleep. Many hormones and metabolites are released, fever is common, the sympathetic nervous system is activated (adrenaline). Pain, pain medications, starvation, psychological factors, age, and a person's usual sleep profile all affect sleep after surgery. Pain decreases sleep, and, conversely, inadequate sleep exacerbates pain
"inadequate sleep exacerbates pain" and how! I whipped out of bed not stiff at all, well already I barely remember. You'd think I was late for church!
I was up at 6:30 am, had coffee, took all my meds but couldn't hack it and finally went back to bed. It's like admitting to laziness, or failure, but as a few people said, "Remember! You have just suffered a trauma!"
So I see old behaviours and feelings attached to my now thinking, and I even resent some of the hours chosen for my helpers to come. but I am not their only client/patient and take my turn. When did my life stop being my own? The day I was hit, I guess!
..but my leg won't stand anything on it but light cotton, nothing heavy, nothing rough, so here I have the heat on in May--better keep track of those additional payments! My hands tremble and my legs 'shake'.
Naturally, I analyze it all to death, and I so dislike complaining! There is always someone worse off.