Good luck Kelly. I hope the second round goes well for you.
As for your head, I really admire you for making the decision to shave it, rather than watching the hair slowly fall out. You are in CONTROL. I think that's awesome.
Once you see your new look, you may feel comfortable without covering up. Sometimes I see women in the store who have little or no hair due to chemo, and they're totally fine with it. I think it sends a message of strength - power over your own body. Look at Melissa Etheridge showing up to accept her Grammy with a shaved head. She was shouting to the world, "I'm strong, I'm fighting, I'm a survivor."
Of course, that's easy for me to say, sitting here with a full head of hair. I'm the type of insecure person who has always hid behind my hair, so I don't know how I would handle it myself. But I do think your perspective might change, and that your focus will become more about wellness than about hair. Did you see the Farrah Fawcett documentary? She felt almost victorious when she shaved her head, because it was HER decision, and she was in control.
I'm looking forward to reading your feelings on Wednesday after you've had your head shaved. It will be a huge moment for you, no doubt. You may go into it thinking that you'll feel a certain way, and come out of feeling completely different. Please come post and tell us how it goes. I will be here cheering for you, as I'm sure we all will be.
You're in my thoughts.