Like some make trips to the past or the future, I have lived in the past all my life and making a few trips to the present.
Today, I am trying, (just trying is not enough) to come bakc to present and stay.
My present today is:
I am on summer vacation.
I have one more month in this beautiful apartment.
I have to prepare for next school year staring in August.
I need to deal with W. It is not fair that he is nurturing hopes about me.
I need to cultivate a new and healthy relationship with my son. He is everyday distant from me because I am coinstantly sad and he needs encouragement and he needs happyness around me sop he can have a desire to be with me again. But if I give him depressed moments and sadness he is going to hate his moments with me.
OK, I am tired or my sad attitud and crying for the past and a mother I do not have instead of trying to have a betrter present.
I am tired of my self.
I thought that my first priority was to have a nice relationship with my son. but that is wrong, my foirst priority is to feel well, so I can have a good relationshipw ith my son. Like the airplanes, if the oxygens mask come out, you have to place the one for you first before you start helping others. If you do not breath ou cannot help others.
That is why, to be able to give my son happy moments, I need to be happy, or at least, reaonably happy, or jjust at peace.
But I have been depressed and sad for so many years, that it is difficult to redirect my self to focus on "feeling good"
I want to feel good. I do nmot want to feel sorry for my self. I am not a victime anymore. I was a victime, but I am not a victim anymore.
I need to feel good.
Thank you for any tips in feeling better. I would appreciate any tips on feeling better.
I am listening positive CDs, abd will write my mantras, any ideas for mantras?
I will do positive affirmations in the morning. I will write inb all over my place. I will write a journal, I will yell, I want to fell good.
I will look in the mirror and say "I want to feel good"
Any other ideas?