I can also relate to everyone who mentioned feeling safe/sanctuary & peaceful anonymity in libraries.
I understand where you are coming from. I want to send an email to my ex-partner (who now is married and lives in Europe) to explain where my *acting out* all came from and apologize for any pain I may have caused. It sounds like it helped you.
Does anyone on the board have any comments as to whether sending him an email would be a good idea or not? I've written it but I haven't sent it - because quite a bit of time has elapsed - and I don't want him to think that I am *dumping* on him.
Hiya Dawning….
I had the this feeling of deep guilt, shame, sadness, regret around the issue, that I couldn't shake... Don't know about you... I just couldn't bear the thought that I could have hurt someone emotionally, so much like that...
Because we were quite young (24) I was
terrified that I'd changed
who he was as a person.... by my behavior.
Particularly after experiencing a relationship with someone with strong N traits, where I was on the receiving end of unfair behavior (I know how terribly confusing, and hurtful it was), I am glad
beyond words that I was able to do that with the person I used to date before X-N.
Even if I apologized, I still wondered if the relationship with X-N wasn't a bit of karma coming back to bite me! Really, I think I was playing out both sides of a coin. The aggressive one with the first relationship, and then the passive one with X-N.
Now, I'm hopefully (I think so) ready for a good balance!
It was an easy decision for me because we have lived near one another for years, and still see and talk to one another quite a bit. Knowing his mindset and what was going on in his life, I knew I could say what I wanted to, and it would be a positive thing for us both. I also knew there was no woman in his life at the time, so it wouldn’t be something I had to consider either. If we’d been estranged with zero contact for a long time, I think I would be wondering, just like you.
I would be thinking two things could happen... That he would so greatly appreciate it, and be so glad for the healing words, or he hadn’t really given the whole thing much thought, moved on with his life, and was a bit surprised to hear from you with your perspective, and apology on things…
The latter is not really a “bad” thing, hoping that he would at least be cordial in his reply. I suppose it depends on the kind of person he is emotionally.
The best thing I can think to say on this one, is to think deeply on it, and go with your gut. You know best exactly what went on during the relationship, what your rapport was like with him when things ended (cordial, hostile, open, closed, etc.), and what kind of person he is in general. You might not even get a feeling either way until you actually write the e-mail & see the content (you can always not send it).
I do strongly favor the idea of any kind of healing communication, and I tend to think that people almost always deeply appreciate something with genuine kind, and loving (non romantic of course in this case) energy behind it, but there are some times too, when a person is blinded by their unawareness, and their own negative energy overshadows the good intent of the other.
Again, I’d say trust your instincts on this one.
If it happens that you don’t send it, I really liked & believe in what Bunny said. I think a strong, willful thought takes on a energy form that is indeed felt by the other person.
If you do send it & feel like updating, it would be great to know how it went. I hope it could be a great, positive, and healing thing for your both. That would be so wonderful.
Good luck