Author Topic: My Truth  (Read 94016 times)


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #615 on: November 08, 2009, 05:04:04 PM »
"It’s ok for women’s emotions to be ignored. Yet if we don’t hand over our bodies we are “bitches”. "

Ditto what Amber said.

Helen, you're too fabulous to hang with a-holes.  It's not you, it's them.  Ya need to hang with better people & yes, they're hard to find, but don't give up.


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No contact
« Reply #616 on: November 16, 2009, 08:33:23 PM »
 A note about no contact experience

It has been a few months since I last had communication with my mother, it was July or August.

There is a stress of breaking out of the routine social expectations that my relatives have and they react to it. They don't really want me to change my role in relation to them and their whole group.

My brain is not working at warp speed right now. I have more to say about this but don't feel able to write it.

My only point is that the no-contact (for me at least) is worst at first and then it sort of gets easier past their initial reaction.

It becomes more and more obvious how little the relatives contribute to my life in the way of just "positive regard".
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 08:39:05 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #617 on: November 16, 2009, 09:48:50 PM »
Good for you, Helen.

I hope strength is seeping into you with every day that passes that is a day that belongs to you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Is this voicemail going to ruin my day? Dreaded phone calls.
« Reply #618 on: November 22, 2009, 08:51:02 PM »
This is a place where I put my thoughts that I can't tell anyone, that most people do not care to hear about or maybe don't really get.

It seems to me that joking about disfunctional families is standard social bantering but I notice that those people were not abandoned by their families.

When my drug addict brother or more recently my father whom I have not spoken with for over nine years calls me and leaves a msg, I don't pick up the msg immediately. I procrastinate, I do an internal check and ask myself "Am I strong enough to listen to this msg right now".

My mother has apparently been speaking to my father, they are divorced and never talk. The subject is me and now my father has been calling me. The way I see this is that it's all part of my mother's Nar-habits and it has nothing to do with me really. Yet I feel this pressure. And well... there is gnawing pressure.

I guess I haven't really processed all this yet and I don't want to. My father was never very considerate or respectful of me and my space and my hopes and dreams, personal boundaries and that is why he has left three msgs on my phone.

So yes of course when I get focused I'm going to find my cell and block his number tonight.

The thing is when I was younger in my early twenties and a teenager my father or brother could say something to me that would really ruin my whole day, they could say something that would put me into an emotional tailspin. Mostly to the effect of how I'm going to fail and how I should be afraid of failing.

I don't really care why they do this, I don't want to analyze it to death, I think mostly it is a controlling behavior.

The thing is when I look at my life compared to theirs even though I have my ups and downs they are more "failures" then I am.

So there is the other thing. My father who is essentially a failure comes at me with this "Daddy knows best" sort of attitude.

My brother and my father are both alcoholics who just have this scary fatalistic way that they paint the world and my life when they talk to me.

I'm probably not explaining this well.

My main point is that I had that feeling of familial pressure, relational pressure that my mother can get going. My mother gets all of the relatives into this frenzy and I just try to avoid and ignore all of them. They all are convinced that their frenzy is about me when they are the ones that it is about, when really it is about my mother.

So that message on my phone. I don't want it to ruin my day or my week and I have to make sure I'm not weak before I answer it. I have to do an emotional check. I have to be like the emotional command center and turn down the volume on my emotions.

I was in the shower today and I realized that I have read more, have done more personal work then my mother, father, brother, or other relatives combined.

I realized that I really do understand this more then any of them. Not that I will ever really get it, cus when I think I do I don't, and I don't want to waste my life getting it. I resent them for the amount of time and effort I have put into trying to understand disfunction.

I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.
Thats what I want for Thanksgiving and Christmas, to be that person who walks through a movie bar-brawl and is there yet somehow not there, above it, walking through it in a different space a different plane while every person around me is fighting. And then I meet the beautiful woman at the salon door and walk away. Well maybe not a beautiful woman.


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After nine years of no contact with my father
« Reply #619 on: November 22, 2009, 09:04:21 PM »
After approx nine years of no contact with my father he still behaves as if he does not get why I don't want to speak with him at least that is how it is related to me via my brother whom I still rarely converse with.

My father is so negative, he has discouraged me from so much in life when I was younger. I wish there had been someone to encourage me. Reality is there are dark things and light things and aspects to life. I just wish someone had opened my mind to the possibilities in life when I was  younger.

My father is a type of burden. He doesn't have his own life and has done nothing to change that in the past 9 years. If it was up to him he would be living with me, I would be supporting him and he would just sit there drinking Budweiser telling me how much I should be fearful of failing and not try anything, don't do anything don't live, don't risk.

It's hard to see my father this way, it is not the image I had of him growing up.

When I date guys I pay attention to how that act what they do, not what they say. They usually fail that test and I wonder if I have unreasonable expectations.

I now find myself looking at my relatives this way, watching how they behave, not what they say.

I totally missed my chance to generate some vitamin D today. I'm hibernating. I just cleaned and knitted and drank coffee indoors.
I need to get out and get some fresh air.


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Hi and Thanks
« Reply #620 on: November 22, 2009, 09:06:50 PM »
Thanks, Hops, Ann3, Phoenix, Ami.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 09:22:20 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #621 on: November 23, 2009, 12:11:50 AM »
You're welcome, hon.

I'd love to take a walk with you.

I cleaned house like crazy yesterday, my minister housemate was having a meeting here, had to spruce it up. Felt good afterward.

Did a good Sunday myself...nice connections with the CommUUnity (one of us is a great singer and we went in a gaggle to hear her band), this morning's service was a nice one (I love hymn singing) and then i went to breakfast with my best church friend and her hubby...we always go to the same waffle shop.

Came home and my D helped me sort some paperwork, really broke the logjam on that. Did a to of laundry and tidying up.

Not my usual M/O!

You always talk about nature...I can tell you're friends.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #622 on: November 23, 2009, 08:51:19 AM »
I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.

Nice image! (and dead-on understanding about their motives). You might also like Elvis Costello's "St. Stephen's Day Massacre". It was included on a Christmas tape of various artists that played with the Chieftains (a traditional Irish band). It was popular - in a really cynical way - in our house during the holidays as a way to inject some humor into awkward family situations. It's sort of a complete opposite of the saccharin mass-media (need I say fairy-tale?) image of the holidays and families.

But then, I'll admit... I'm sort of on a campaign to reinvent Christmas traditions. One year, a brussel sprout potted in a 5 gal joint compound bucket was our Christmas tree. I made enchiladas one year for Thanksgiving... and for several years, would cook Middle Eastern instead of the usual turkey - taters - stuffing. The mass-media image/message about the holidays is a fabricated scam... a false promise of love, light and joy in my FOO setting... and seems to indicate that if you spend enough $$$$$ you can create happiness. I've made up warped lyrics for Christmas carols for years - since I was a kid ... to try to stay more grounded in reality (and not unrealistic expections of a fantasy) as a defense mechanism.

What's been happening with you lately (besides all of a sudden showing up on your family's radar)? Hibernation isn't a bad thing, what with all the illness bugs going around. But some fresh air is good for the immune system, too! Speaking of which, I have to get moving... been in one position too long. I hope you feel motivated to post an update soon... seems there's a lot to catch up on!  :D
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Re: My Truth
« Reply #623 on: November 23, 2009, 09:08:05 AM »
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #624 on: November 23, 2009, 04:04:01 PM »
You're welcome, hon.

I'd love to take a walk with you.

I cleaned house like crazy yesterday, my minister housemate was having a meeting here, had to spruce it up. Felt good afterward.

Did a good Sunday myself...nice connections with the CommUUnity (one of us is a great singer and we went in a gaggle to hear her band), this morning's service was a nice one (I love hymn singing) and then i went to breakfast with my best church friend and her hubby...we always go to the same waffle shop.

Came home and my D helped me sort some paperwork, really broke the logjam on that. Did a to of laundry and tidying up.

Not my usual M/O!

You always talk about nature...I can tell you're friends.


Oh, that is sweet Hops, I love to walk this time of year, I do love nature and this is my favorite season. The other day I was thinking if I could only have one season all year it would be Fall. It's something about how the sunset sky is more intense this time of year and of course the leaves and the mushrooms and the stormy wind. Yeah, I love nature. When everything else fails nature is still beautiful to me.

I enjoyed your comment about the "Log Jam". I haven't heard that term for ever.

Sounds like you had a fun and productive weekend!


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #625 on: November 23, 2009, 04:05:25 PM »
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami

Ok, is Blackie out of the closet yet?


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #626 on: November 23, 2009, 04:27:39 PM »
I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.

Nice image! (and dead-on understanding about their motives). You might also like Elvis Costello's "St. Stephen's Day Massacre". It was included on a Christmas tape of various artists that played with the Chieftains (a traditional Irish band). It was popular - in a really cynical way - in our house during the holidays as a way to inject some humor into awkward family situations. It's sort of a complete opposite of the saccharin mass-media (need I say fairy-tale?) image of the holidays and families.

But then, I'll admit... I'm sort of on a campaign to reinvent Christmas traditions. One year, a brussel sprout potted in a 5 gal joint compound bucket was our Christmas tree. I made enchiladas one year for Thanksgiving... and for several years, would cook Middle Eastern instead of the usual turkey - taters - stuffing. The mass-media image/message about the holidays is a fabricated scam... a false promise of love, light and joy in my FOO setting... and seems to indicate that if you spend enough $$$$$ you can create happiness. I've made up warped lyrics for Christmas carols for years - since I was a kid ... to try to stay more grounded in reality (and not unrealistic expections of a fantasy) as a defense mechanism.

What's been happening with you lately (besides all of a sudden showing up on your family's radar)? Hibernation isn't a bad thing, what with all the illness bugs going around. But some fresh air is good for the immune system, too! Speaking of which, I have to get moving... been in one position too long. I hope you feel motivated to post an update soon... seems there's a lot to catch up on!  :D

If we spend enough money we can create false happiness, yes well in that case many opportunistic big-business owners would have an interest in keeping the population unhappy.

Warped lyrics, yes I think these CAN keep a person sane. Yes, I can understand. We all find our own ways to relate to Christmas. My brother once told me that he thought Christmas was a four letter word.

I always think about the smell of Frankincense on Christmas in dim warm places because that is how my friend's father's house was on Christmas.
He was a minister and was religious but in an interesting way, he had a passion for signs and miracles and so he would always have these stories about how certain icons drip tears out of their eyes. He also claimed that he had some of the dirt from Jesus's grave which he showed me. I can't really remember what the dirt looked like sort of redish-clay colored. Anyways, that family had reverent Christmas evenings and the kids got 1-2 presents and that was it no hours and hours of ripping through paper and throwing toys into a pile.

I don't think it was really dirt from Jesus's grave, I think this guy enjoyed fooling people, some sort of game. He did own very obscure things because he had an antique store. So one could never really tell if there was some truth to it or not. I guess we all want to be special or know something special or have something special.

I remember my friend's father the minister once told me that I had discovered a new kind of flower that had never been discovered before. I was thrilled, I believed him. As a kid I had found my first passion flower somewhere tangled in the vines of his backyard. The ones that look like white and purple, hairy, alien spaceships?

It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen a passion flower so I might as well have been discovering a new species in my little kid's world.

Something about the mysterious, the reverent and perspective....


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Job offer accepted
« Reply #627 on: November 23, 2009, 04:36:34 PM »
One hour ago, I just accepted a job offer just as soon as I got my depressed carcass out from under my green plush-like-a- baby- toy blanket.

I should be thankful.

I start on Nov 30.

I'm going to go eat some lunch. Yes, must get my blood sugar in balance. Write more later.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #628 on: November 24, 2009, 06:45:05 AM »
OH... CONGRATULATIONS HELEN!!!! I'm happy for you  (((((((((Helen)))))))))) 

I hope you can see how the new job might have the same opportunity for discovering the "new"... just like finding the passion flower. That aspect of being children - of being fascinated with "first experiences" of things (no matter how mundane) - are what I think is meant by "beginners mind". It's a very neat universe to hang out in...

... OH and if you want to grow your own passionflower, it comes up all over my yard!! I've trained some of it up the fence of the dog yard, so I should be able to get enough dirt up, around the roots. (It's a little tricky to transplant... but once established takes over!!) It's dormant now, until about June here... might be the best chance for potting up & sending it.

Even if this isn't your dream job - "just a job" - I'll bet you'll find plenty of things to "discover" because of it. I'd say this is an occasion for Ami's party... can we do that online? I'll bring seafood appetizers... and we can have a "happy dance" !
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Re: My Truth
« Reply #629 on: November 24, 2009, 08:29:51 AM »
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami

Ok, is Blackie out of the closet yet?

On the way out. Blessings to you!                              xxoo        Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung