Every day is the same, lost in the fog of myself. Always in a hurry to get to the next moment, like a merry-go-round in my head. Like walking past the TV, reaching down to turn it off and missing the switch because I'm focused on getting back to type this post. A fire in the kitchen would've frustrated me since it kept me from getting back to type.
Always looking at my own body, head down, scratching my head or rubbing my hands to remind myself I exist. Staring at other human beings, lost in their face, looking for acceptance and recognition I never got. Keeping the focus on others because I'm empty inside, devoid of facial expression or energy. Keeping the focus on others with nosy questions, stupid questions, that cross their boundaries, leaving them feeling violated and turned off. Anxious and nervous about the whole situation. Turned inside out.
It's like I shut down as a small child because I learned my universe (mother) was unsafe and unstable. The energy and vitality of youth is fading and so is the energy to navigate the world. I watch other people and they have this energy from within, eyes continuously moving, taking in their surroundings and managing relationships with family, friends, and co-workers while I work over-time to avoid people, averting my eyes, deathly afraid I'll blurt out something stupid to gain attention. It works when your 5, or 15 trying to get laid, but not 37. I am just consumed with the negative energy I put off, and always have.
Yesterday my therapist talked about the permanent damage suicide does to the children, they NEVER get over it. Whats the damn difference? I'm here in body only.
The ultimate irony of the situation is, each of you who will respond mean well but you have your own problems. The world, whatever that means, CANT take the problem away. Typing and talking about it doesn't get to the root, and I'm beginning to realize nothing does. Some of us were just born to two people that had no business having kids. They put their dysfunctional fear into us and we get to deal with it. All the psychobabble can't change a situation that has been going on since the beginning of recorded history. If a child is robbed of his childhood, that child's conciousness is negatively affected to one degree or another.
Anyway, enough RS pity party. Still hanging in, just not sure how long.