Thanks for asking that, Ami ... I am incredibly blessed because yes, my husband really sees me. He thinks I can do anything (leap tall buildings in a single bound). He has been my salvation (OK, mentally --- you and I have already discussed that my Christian faith has been my spiritual salvation! But I also believe that God sent my husband to me ...). It makes me feel incredibly sad that you have not had that experience.
Also, I have three girlfriends (now) that really see me. It has taken me til this age (46) to trust women enough to not freeze when they are kind to me. And all three of my girlfriends have Ns in their family --- two have N mothers and one has a N father.
I'm beginning to see that when I was younger, I either froze kind women out of my life, or I gravitated to the N women because they felt familiar. I was my own worst enemy. In fact, I'll bet I am still my own worst enemy!!! But I'm getting better.
It does make a huge difference just to be seen, doesn't it? To feel that your feelings matter to somebody.