I could ditto what everyone's said. And, theres a few and alsos I'd like to share, (BTW UK here too, thought I recognised the type of story!)
Most people are ignorant of Nism and there is an astonishing capacity that N.s have to project thier influence into the hereafter. Furthermore, there is a type of blindness to abuse by an N. and specailly when it is subtle? This is a disttressing reality. Reading this has confirmed all this for me, it was just becoming clear. It really feels at times like theres a conspiracy of collusion and blindness.
Did you actually physically vomit when you saw the picture? It kind of makes me think, well thats a quite appropriate demonstration by your body, as in 'the self becomes inconsolable'. .......... and I would add - and rightly so. I believe the 'inconsolability is surely what leads us to keep ourselves free and know how to live better than what we were given, not succumbing to the destiny projected, isnt this 'the defiant power of the human spirit'.
But well done for your survival, persistence, and looking after your child with all the difficulties. I was a single parent too.