Do you feel like you are either Good or Bad or going back and forth between the two but not able to accept ALL of yourself? Ami
Hi Ami,
The truth is that I am good and bad.
There is bad in me and then there is good. Today, I got a call from a creditor reminding of my past life of selfish spending, greed and negligence. I used to be so materialistic, buying into what society tells us we need to be happy. After hearing that several years ago I had wronged this creditor, through my own neglect and selfish behavior, I realized that I have come far, but I also realize, in humility, what I have been most of my life...
A very selfish sinner, a very inconsiderate of others type person, just reaching for what I need and what fills me.
It was hard to stare at this about myself, with the perspective that indeed I was unjustly treated as a child but I can hear the words of someone, in AA, who once told me that even though it was not my fault for my abusive childhood it was my responsibility as to how I was going to handle the wreckage...Mostly, I have handled the wreckage by creating wreckage.
I have not always handled the crosses that God gave me well, and that is putting it lightly. In other words, I spent most of my life selfishly thinking out my needs and what I can get out of life rather than thinking about just
being good (by faith and caring for others), even if it is in little ways, in tiny moments.
In retrospect, being good is something I have to be willing to work on. I have to want to be good, strive to be good, pray to be good - God makes me good.
A lifetime of self abuse, selfishness does not reverse itself over night, in one year, or even a few. I am 41, most of my life I have been bad, acting in the bad and out the bad through depression (anger), anxiety, addiction, greed and just pure selfishness. But, under my bad is a lot of good, the more that I stare at my bad, my angry heart, my selfishness and fears, the more I feel motivated to
DO good.
Splitting is definitely one way that I have coped with life; in the past I just wanted to SEE what I wanted to SEE about myself and not having to face the REST.
The parts of self that I split off were my anger and many emotions that were not OK in childhood for me to have. For instance, hatred as a child was not an acceptable emotion, yet, when as children we are abused we are naturally going to feel hatred at our abusers. However, I split off this part of self, long ago, over the years it morphed and as an adult turned into behaviors just as depression, isolation, addiction such as smoking as well as hatred and unloving ways towards others, also, hatred was the underlining reason for why I aborted my children. There was so much hatred in my heart, so much. It was the bad that I was unwilling to face about myself, the split off part of self, or one of many, that I have had to integrate, forgive and heal through many tears.
Yesterday, I was cutting up some potatoes, one had a rotten part, really yucky bad, I had to cut it out but the rest of the potato was still good and very usable. Well, that is like my soul, there is this yucky anger and hatred that has enabled me to act rotten towards God and others most of my life. In the last few years, God has been cutting away my rotten parts of self, but, first, I had to point them out to myself, SEE them and offer the pain up and my tears, the pain that generated the rotten in me, asking God to cut it out of my life. I had to let go of being bad, sometimes I still cling to being bad because it is just easier than being good.
As I stare at the rotten in me, the bad, I can see that one reason I am good is partly because I am willing to face the rotten and hug that part of self that needs to act out and be bad, she was just a little girl once who wanted a voice and wanted love, she was denied, she hurt, she rages and then she never got to express these painful feelings. Today, it is getting better, I still fall backwards, much, but better, I cannot find that much hatred in my heart, actually I cannot bring myself to hate at all, but, anger, pride/ego, fear, unforgivingness...yes, much still, there is still within myself a clinging to my anger and old wounds. What a journey. Progress not perfection, as we say in AA.
Hope this helps, much here about myself....