Ales 2...
I recommend volulnteering!
And sign up now since lots of other loose-end folks will want to too.
Soup kitchens get overrun with volunteers but those who make it in, are happy!
Try that, or volunteer at a nearby nursing home.
It is so much more satisfying than a tortured biofamily holiday...I am so glad I no longer let my blood pressure change one point over Christmas. I change the channel, watch movies, enjoy some sacred music and a few candles. That's it.
ENJOY it. Hit me once I finally was able to escape the holiday-obligation-pathos-why don't I have Norman Rockwell, etc. --
how much NICER it is to just help somebody, enjoy some peace, and get out of the idiotic, consurmerist, media-driven mayhem.
In a nursing home, it's the hand holding and a little hand massage with nice lotion and a gentle presence that will make some lonesome old person's holiday...not the artificial cheer, decorations, all that....
Do what feels good to you, but planning it now is very very smart of you.