Author Topic: First pair of size 6 jeans! (Warning, includes some PGrated lingerie pics)  (Read 2182 times)

Redhead Erin

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Yep.  I finally got 'em.  Yep yep yep.

I mentioned this to my NM.  I don't know why I bothered.  Oh wait, yes I do know why.  To say I did it, that's why.

She told me I should stop losing weight before I waste away to nothing.

You might recall, she was big on forcing me into diets and then sabotaging me when I got close to my goal weight.

 I said to her, "Isn't that what you always wanted for me?"
 She says, "What do you mean by that?"
 I said, "All those diets you put me on, Diet workshop, Nutri-systems, remember all that?" .
 She said, "I went on all those diets, you never did them."
how freaking bizarre

Tts a characteristic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that the person doesn't really understand the boundaries between herself and another individual,and therefore sometimes remembers events that happened to one as if they happened to the other.
 So apparently she was dieting vicariously through me.     All the fun for her, all the deprivation for me.

But the hell with that.  I look cute!  I feel awesome!  Getting dressed every morning is a fun adventure.  I love buying new clothes (maybe a little too much?!) I am still maybe 5 pounds from where I want to be, but it's OK because I know I will get there someday.  

The best part is, I feel so much more in control of my life. I am happier.  I am making friends.  Life is good right now.

I no longer have to look in the mirror and face what I used to think of myself:  Here is a woman who works in a looks-oriented business who cannot get control of her own body.  Here is a fat, lazy woman who cannot be bothered to care for herself.  Here is a woman who will never look the way she wants to look, because she has no control over her eating.  

Now I am not that woman any more. I am strong, beautiful , sexy, and confident.  

Here are some pics from my last photo session:

And in case anyone is wondering what I did, it was simple (not easy) SOuth Beach Diet, Weight loss hypnosos CD's, and moderate exercise (like, 30 minutes of weight training or Pilates maybe 3 times a week and athen jsut being active with my kid) .  That's it.  Just, its waaaaaay easier said than done!

South Beach Diet is a really popular and easy diet to follow.  You can get a book about it at any big bookstore or Amazon.  Here is the website and here is the message board  Essentially, you eat lots of vegetables and reasonable amounts of lean proteins for the first two weeks, then gradually start adding in fruits and whole grains after that.

About the CD's.  I found the web site:   This is a set of 8 CDs and a workbook.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 03:27:25 AM by Redhead Erin »


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Dear Erin
 The pix did not show up. I would love to see them!                         xxoo   Ami

PS Thanks for your help before when I was hurting so badly.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Redhead Erin

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any time, Ami. I will put the pics on my facebook page in a day or two.


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Hi Erin,
I vaguely remember the time I got down to a size 6 and was approaching 4 during my 40's. I was in great shape and it felt SOOOO good!!! Congrats to you!


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Erin, Congratulations on your weight loss success!


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Hey, I just started a low fat diet to get back down to an 8.  This is really encouraging to me, so thanks!  You can do it and then I can do it.  You're my heroine! :lol:


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I think I finally found an eating plan that works for me.

I've been cutting out anything that contains high fructose corn syrup and/or high maltose corn syrup and focusing on eating fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh fish, and tofu.  I stopped eating red meat when I was diagnosed with the heart blockage.

The results?  Two years ago, when I graduated from graduate school, I was a size 22.  Now I'm down to a size 16 and even that is starting to get loose on me.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!

Redhead Erin

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  • "I used to be disgusted; now I try to stay amused"
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Feels so good, doesnt it?


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Feels so good, doesn't it?

It sure does!   :)

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Congrats to you Erin!!   

And, yes, I hear everything you've said on the NM who think she is dieting vicariously through you. I noticed that again last year when I lost 13 lbs - my Nm was ecstatic until I told her she had to do the one thing she never does - exercise.  All the books she gave me I told her were a waste, you have to get off the couch and actually DO SOMETHING! What a novel concept!   :P

Funny thing is that tomorrow Dec 1 I am starting the diet/exercise thing again myself.  I gained a few and I want it gone by the new year. I'm planning on cutting out all drinks besides my one coffee in the morning in favor of water only. (Maybe a green tea at bedtime if its cold) I probably have 500 extra calories in my diet from frou-frou- coffee drinks in the afternoon and an occasional glass of wine.  Aside from that, its protein anf veggies....just like you.

I hope you are happy with yourself and that no one can derail your efforts and success! Good luck!


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BTW, I forgot to mention that I include sushi and sashimi in my eating plan...which I LOVE!!!!  The bf also likes that as well so it helps me to afford it.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Well done Erin!
I quit smoking for a year and it was so hard to lose the weight I put on afterwards.
I know that this is a major victory for you - enjoy it!
P xx


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I am wondering how Erin is doing? Last time she was active was on the 30th of November last year.


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My mother also did the dieting vicariously through me. And later, when I would gain or she would lose, she made it into a weird symbiosis- that if I gained, she would lose and vice versa. But my appearance was always somehow about her. She came to visit me once after not having seen me for quite a long time. She got off the plane and the first thing she said to my dad was, "Doesn't our daughter look better?" I couldn't understand my dad's discomfort at the time, but now I understand in light of the healthier me... she has always made everything in our family about weight and how you look. She has "kept my dad down" for years by critiquing him on his weight and appearance. My sister was bulimic (as was I) and she used laxatives for years. NM is now amazingly heavy, but doesn't believe it. She says she needs to lose weight, but I think she believes it's 10 pounds she needs to lose, not 100. And she has no idea about doing something to feel better and be healthy - she wants only to be 'hot.'
CONGRATS on your new body and on being healthy and happy!!!! I am working toward that goal - I work out a ton (because I like it, which I realized is a good thing. She used to say women who worked out were ugly). And I am changing my eating patterns and going to Weight Watchers. It is not happening quickly, but I am strong and healthy and losing steadily, if slowly :)
xxxooo and Congrats again!!!!
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Congrats Erin!!!  It must feel so good, cute picture as well:)
