Yep. I finally got 'em. Yep yep yep. I mentioned this to my NM. I don't know why I bothered. Oh wait, yes I do know why.
To say I did it, that's why. She told me I should stop losing weight before I waste away to nothing.
You might recall, she was big on forcing me into diets and then sabotaging me when I got close to my goal weight.
I said to her, "Isn't that what you always wanted for me?"
She says, "What do you mean by that?"
I said, "All those diets you put me on, Diet workshop, Nutri-systems, remember all that?" .
She said, "I went on all those diets, you never did them."
how freaking bizarreTts a characteristic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that the person doesn't really understand the boundaries between herself and another individual,and therefore sometimes remembers events that happened to one as if they happened to the other.
So apparently she was dieting vicariously through me. All the fun for her, all the deprivation for me.
But the hell with that. I look cute! I feel awesome! Getting dressed every morning is a fun adventure. I love buying new clothes (maybe a little too much?!) I am still maybe 5 pounds from where I want to be, but it's OK because I know I will get there someday.
The best part is, I feel so much more in control of my life. I am happier. I am making friends. Life is good right now.
I no longer have to look in the mirror and face what I used to think of myself: Here is a woman who works in a looks-oriented business who cannot get control of her own body. Here is a fat, lazy woman who cannot be bothered to care for herself. Here is a woman who will never look the way she wants to look, because she has no control over her eating.
Now I am not that woman any more. I am strong, beautiful , sexy, and confident.
Here are some pics from my last photo session:

And in case anyone is wondering what I did, it was simple (not easy) SOuth Beach Diet, Weight loss hypnosos CD's, and moderate exercise (like, 30 minutes of weight training or Pilates
maybe 3 times a week and athen jsut being active with my kid) . That's it. Just, its waaaaaay easier said than done!
South Beach Diet is a really popular and easy diet to follow. You can get a book about it at any big bookstore or Amazon. Here is the website and here is the message board Essentially, you eat lots of vegetables and reasonable amounts of lean proteins for the first two weeks, then gradually start adding in fruits and whole grains after that.
About the CD's. I found the web site: This is a set of 8 CDs and a workbook.