Gabben I am so thankful for the comments that have been posted here. They are like manna from heaven. They feed me, nourish me on my journey of healing.
It is so comforting and powerful to know that I am not alone, that others somewhere understand what I am speaking of, have experienced some of what I have experienced. What a gift to be in communication with others who know what it is to suffer in a like manner and who long to be made whole.
Your words shine a light anew and from a different angle and help me see some of my own words and experiences in a different light. Writing about our experiences and seeing them made concrete in words and confirmed, acknowledged, shared by others transforms these wounds into something concrete that can then be dismantled, reshaped, rendered impotent.
Shining a light on this torment is not the full solution, is not the end all healing but it is a necessary step on the journey. And it gives me hope.
This paragraph is huge:
What you wrote helped to give me some clarity around the other part of this that I could not see, the fact that as a child, emotionally, no one was ever really there for me in my dark agony of abuse - to validate or really help me through the emotional needs and struggles that as children we have and that I, coming from a very dysfunctional home, had no one to care about my emotional needs, to be a sort of strong arm for me when I am in need, especially emotional needs. That mirrors my life today, mostly it is just myself who goes through all the pains, alone and with no shoulder to cry on, to really just cast my burdens on, instead I carry the weight of others burdens and my own.
A new friend of mine reads voraciously. One of the books that she put before me is
Whose Got Your Back http://books.google.com/books?id=UYySDcOl88EC&printsec=frontcover&dq=who's+got+your+back&source=bl&ots=GIAorX6Y9z&sig=Ad_sC2OA1ThaFclj8z0Mhf99JHU&hl=en&ei=MSeRS_utN8WVtgfMgaGyCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=&f=false I have thought about this and thought about this and thought about this. Without a family , without having grown up in an environment in which parents, siblings have each other's back the world becomes a very dangerous place. The resulting and deep damage is debilitating. But as I focus on that piece, I gain understanding about why I have harbored these disfunctions and that helps me move along the way toward healing.
You write that it is mostly just yourself who goes through all the pains and instead of having a shoulder to cry you you actually take on OTHERS pains. Based on my experience I suspect we do that because that is the role we played as children. I urge you to keep writing about this, keep thinking about it, keep looking for ways in which you do this. Notice it. Shine your light on it!!! We can change it. We can observe and then notice and then shift out from under other's burdens which we, out of ingrained duty, take on other's burdens without EVER having our own needs and pains shared. The more we shine our light on it and talk about it the more we become able and willing to shift away from taking on others burdens and then the ultimate shift is to find others who will SHARE burdens with each other. It is a trail and error process and there are painful , painful trials in this life giving shift.
I hope you will keep writing and sharing. We deserve to move out of the self-destructive behavior those people forced us into so long ago. We can do it. I am willing to share burdens here. Thank you, thank you for your powerful post.
I hope that it helps to know that I am right there with you, in a deep place of memory and pain
Does it ever!
For me I am wanting to get back, small desires for revenge, mostly to show others how wrong they are, and were.
Of course you do!!! I have a suggestion. I find that there is huge engergy behind "revenge". I also have found by expereience that revenge oftne is damaging to me as well as the person I exact it on. I have found that I can actually use that revenge energy to improve my lot rather than exacting a pound of blood. When I take that same energy and apply it to something that moves me forward the revenge is remarkably sweet, but very different from what I long to do when the thought first emerges. - Just a thought. Take Care.