Dear GS,
You have been working hard to come to a resolution, and I applaud you for it. So many of us experience and perceive as do others, and some of us have our own ways of explaining ourselves here, and the cause behind it all.
My parents were not good parents at all. They knew nothing about being parents, but then I knew my grandparents and dysfunction began likely even before them. so I just had a bad start, and if mom were stressed then I believe I was stressed even in the womb.
The expression ‘to have someone’s back‘, or support as I refer to it, well there was none of that in the family of 2 parents and 5 kids. Living on an isolated farm, we had only ourselves to deal with, plus interaction with schoolmates when finally of age to attend., but we were ‘squabblers’.
For myself, I expect that I must have thought that my parents were always right as they were older and were ‘Mom and Dad.’. I was never told personal things about growing up, having a career, a goal, where I excelled, and at 17 knew I was on my own. I retrospect I believed that everyone else knew what to do--even knew what I wanted/felt (could read my mind,) as I didn’t know that all people are different.
Siblings always on the outs with one another, and parents showing no affection or love.
If I map out a chunk of time whereby I felt the most comfortable with myself, it was after I left my daughter’s father and before the car crash---66-69.
Now that I am through with Ns (and I didn’t know how to handle N-son-in-law) I look back at the N I chose --from his ’good guy’ mask and the life we were to have together. In retrospect, I realize I left Ontario to come out here, get away from everybody who had anything to do with that old life, but had to pay with 4 years with an N, for my choice!
I email with only one sister and she is coming out next month, regardless of knowing what a terrible hostess I will be, with pain and tremors etc. My first instinct was to tell her to not come but I knew that would hurt her and I realize she knows I am ‘out of commission’ so I hope it all goes well. She is not an N, but I prefer to be alone now and feel like I am now worth something … the people at the organization for which I’ve worked for 5-6 years.. The girl who took over the bookkeeping when I quit after last year’s accident is easy to get along with, and even said I was well thought of at the organization… and to the gals who come to care for me at home.
…and that reminds me that all my life I wanted to have my own life that didn’t include any member of my family, i.e. have girl-friends and boy-friends without having take them home to be approved of, as I felt my friends might just come away thinking my family was nice (Sunday best behaviour) and why would I say things derogatory about them? They were well-respected in the community!
Now my sister is going to meet my therapist, and home care person and they better not think that she is “better than I’. I would croak!!!!! at this late date of getting my act together.
For me the answer was No Contact.--out of sight, out of mind!!