My NM's thing was to create her own language, and force eveyone to abide by it. She had her own words to describe certain things, and everyone in the house was expected to use those words, or else. For example, we were to use the word "garbage" but never "trash." (We had moved to the U.S. from Canada, and she said that Canadians were superior to Americans, and that trash was a low class American word).
Another word that I remember was that the garbage disposal in the sink was a "grinder." I have no idea where she got that one, but that was the required word. No one challenged her on it because it just wasn't worth listening to her go into an N rage over a word.
She did sometimes mispronounce or misuse words, but as Logy said, it was ignorance. She was very uneducated, and learned everything she knew from watching television. However, she truly believed that she was a genius, had been a gifted child, bla bla bla, so again, no one ever corrected her. It was better to just let it go.