I went to my 31st class reunion last summer. It was so much fun. I had just found out I had leiomyosarcoma, a rare type of cancer. I was to be starting chemo in about three weeks after that. Word got around that I had cancer and everyone was so kind.
In February I went in for a follow up scan and it showed the cancer has spread to my liver and it recurred in the original spot.
So a couple of my friends from jr high and hi school decided to throw me a benefit to offset some of my bills. I stopped working and have applied for disability.
It has been wonderful, the outpouring of love for me. These people have gone out into the community and gotten over $7000 worth of silent auction items, my friends's band is playing free of charge, a portion of all food sold go back to me, a bank account set up, flyers posted all over the Omaha area. I feel love.
Meanwhile my mother reluctantly told me she would help out if I needed. When was that disability kicking in? She told me to give her my bills and she would pay them......that is how the accountant told her to do it. Oh, I could give her the bills but then I would get something like, "I cannot believe you spend that much for your cell phone." Or "do you really need cable tv?" Or , or, or................
If she were to die I would get a huge chunk of money. I die, I get little portions doled out to me so she looks like a good mother. The truth is I don't really think she wants to help me out but it is somehow required of her.
I told her my bills were overdue and I could use a check. That is when she told me to give her the paper bills, etc. I said (and you all will be very proud of me.....
"Mom, I pay my bills online so I don't think I am prepared to go in, cancel alll the bills and then find the paper ones and then give them to you. I hope I make so much money at this benefit that I NEVER have to come to you again for money."
Well, she pshawed me but I said it and I mean it. My friends give out of love for ME. My mom gives because people would think she was awful if she didn't.