Bear, I am so glad that you erased that message and didn't let your daughter listen to it. When I stopped talking to my mum she sent my son a letter, every week, for the next nine months (he was four and wouldn't have been able to read it himself even if I had let him). I am sure there is probably a psychological term for this kind of behaviour but basically my mum was trying to get to me through my son. She'd put loads of flowery stuff in it (like your mum has done with the phone message) but there'd be other bits, like how she'd been to the funeral of a close relative (but she wouldn't say who it was) or how she was off to the solicitor that day to change her will. My feeling was that, as she was no longer getting a response from me, she was either trying to get one because of what she was doing to my son or trying to get to him in any way she could.
Either way, it's crazy making behaviour. Given what happened between the two of you recently, normal behaviour now would be contact between the adults, not someone phoning a child and leaving them a message (I am not saying that you should contact her - quite the opposite - but what I mean is, if two adults fall out, they communicate until the relationship is patched up, they don't leave syrupy messages for toddlers).
Over the last eight years I have written long letters to my mum, spent hours talking with her, cried, begged, screamed, shouted, tried email only contact, twice yearly visits and just letting her have access to my son without her needing to see me. None of it worked. The more time I spend in therapy, the more I realise how utterly poisonous and dangerous my parents are. The only way I have been able to stop the cycle, as it were, is to completely ignore her.
Unfortunately for your mum, Bear, you do know what life is all about. It's about love and commitment, about raising your children and keeping them healthy, it's about honesty and integrity and building strong, intimate relationships with other healthy people. You are doing all of that and your mum doesn't fit into that picture. I think the tragedy she talks about is what's happening to her, becasue her N source is being cut off from her and she won't know how to function without it.
Stay strong! You are doing everything absolutely right - and you can always change your number if necessary.
Twoapenny xxx