Author Topic: My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave  (Read 24864 times)


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2004, 03:37:58 PM »
By ignoring her and not bothering to even read such posts, you are the one in control.

I knew I could get a rise out of her with my eyes closed. She's just too thick in the head guest, but you did try.

 p.s. Last time I checked, I did not have any "she" parts :wink:   Ok- I could stand to lose a few, but I don't need a bra yet!

And don't let my invitation stop you!  

Actually- it eggs me on big time. It's the sole, single reason why I've kept it up!  :)

But alas; ive grown tired. Who would have thought stupidity would be SO draining!

I'll show you what NOT participating _really_ means.Take a lesson for next time. Just by reading your toxic; agressive; defensive; yawn messages I'm _sure_ this won't be the last time your involved in a Kafuffle  [I've been wanting to use that great word for a while now!  :) ]

Though I wonder if you don't have a double birdie poster. Something smells fishy [maybe it was just your birdie breath from breakfast] about how the tone of your messages sometimes change. Like Blue Footed Boobie Birdie has to come with his special foot to kick butt for you sometimes.

Toodles forever {but we'll always have Paris} you big doe-doe...    

What'd I say?  It's merely a close cousin in that bird family of yours!


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #76 on: November 07, 2004, 12:42:42 AM »
Thank you


  • Guest
My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #77 on: November 07, 2004, 12:43:05 PM »
Human being are complex and we all have many voices.  Go for it firebird - express the many hues of your hopes, pain and experience.


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #78 on: November 08, 2004, 09:26:51 AM »
Thank you?????

Thank you for abusive language?

You THANK the bully?

With friends like these...

No, don't defend yourself.  I know I'm supposed to know my place and be grateful to you for not joining in the bullying, for being 'on my side'.  But - no - that's not 'on my side'.  I've learnt a lot in the past few days about how people 'handle' nasty stuff.  There's a claim that 'of course' they'd care for the victim - but only after the bully has gone, only after the victim is bloodied and vanquished.  Because it's only when the victim is vanquished that it's safe.  You know who the victim is when the fight is over.  The winner is always the bully, no matter who started the fight.  No matter who was abusive.  

Well, I despise that behaviour.  I despise people who stand by the sidelines wringing their hands.  I despise people who shout 'stop' and don't care who is getting hurt.  I guess you're angry with the victim for being bullied and frightened of the bully for bullying.  If you were honest enough to say so, I'd respect you.  Oh yes, and I despise the people who run out, run away, turn away, NIMBY, and allow the bullying to go on, tut-tutting to themselves about how dreadful it all is.  And then turn their back on the victim out of shame.  Ignore the victim.  Isolate the victim.

It went on in your homes - and you'll allow it to happen again.

Well, I won't.  I'll turn up and say 'hit me, instead'.  Stupid.  As you say, HUG, I should leave it to people who are better equipped.  But I won't.  I'll find out what really works and I'll get smarter.  But you can't become a smarter bully - because if you get smarter, you'll not bully any more.

Look at you - you've lost all your power already.  Yes, I despise you, too.  I despise you for trying to crush people, and mystify and taunt.  You seem to claim a moral right, a moral victory in posting as you do.  The fact is that you don't know how to make a positive difference.  The sad and bad thing is that you perpetuate the bullying of y/our own childhood and it's so ingrained that you have no idea that's what you do.


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #79 on: November 08, 2004, 11:06:29 AM »
Oh my gosh Firebird - I was responding the way you suggested:

 Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:57 am    Post subject:    

Hi Guest-who-I-was-talking-to-earlier....

My child decided to say 'thank you' with great sincerity and a great big smile on his face any time someone started teasing him or saying something mean. It's amazingly disarming!!! And makes everyone laugh. Try it - it's fun!!  

I didn't mean any harm. I wanted to run the bully off. But it inflamed you. I'm so sorry. :oops:


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #80 on: November 08, 2004, 01:39:42 PM »
Hello - i just popped by again because I wanted to apologse for my earlier outburst.  And I found your very kind message here - so double apologies to you personally.

Thank YOU!  

It's difficult to take back what I said earlier cos I felt it so strongly.  I wasn't 'inflamed' by what you wrote.  I saw a perspective and wanted to make a point.  But/So it wasn't intended to be personal.  

I wonder about 'adult', 'child' - all I can say is that my outburst was 'healthy'.  

Sorry I don't know who you are but... {{{hugs}}}  I hope you're OK in your life.

Scorched Feathers. :-)


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #81 on: November 08, 2004, 03:17:16 PM »

Healthy outburst? How about no outbursts? Thoughtful posting would be more productive imo.

nameless - guest

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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #82 on: November 08, 2004, 03:33:28 PM »
That was not from me. I am truely not here to stir up things. I am a member and do not mean anyone harm. I have posted the few dialogs you and I shared.

I will remain nameless.....

nameless - guest

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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #83 on: November 08, 2004, 03:39:18 PM »
To Guest - the one who keeps writing terribly hurtful things to anyone and everyone has to read it

Your time here is up. You are rude, nasty, and your words are ugly. If you want to keep being foul, you will be met with your own medicine.

I for one am tired of reading this garbage.

If you are allowed to enter it - I am allowed to respond.

If your submissions are the only things on earth that make you feel like a man (or woman) - pity you, you little tiny person.

You are the lowest of the lowest lifeform. Go get a life with others like you. Treat each other like dirt. You all deserve each other.



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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2004, 05:17:17 PM »
I'm not sure who that last poster was speaking of. I've only posted here once so...? It just seems to me that firebird could think about what's she's putting out into the universe. I meant it in a friendly way. I for one am tired of people getting emotional and instantly bursting forth with their emotion. If you are upset...think for a while or reread a post to get the full meaning. And instead of an outburst, maybe a thoughtful or informed reply will come forth. That's not being negative.

nameless - guest

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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #85 on: November 08, 2004, 05:21:02 PM »
Simply read the former posts in this thread alone. The person posting obnoxious stuff signed in as guest. They will know who this message is for. If it does not apply to you, it is not for you.


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #86 on: November 08, 2004, 05:35:47 PM »
Okay. Thanks.


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My Vote Is - Phoenix Should Leave
« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2004, 10:02:14 AM »
Healthy outburst? How about no outbursts? Thoughtful posting would be more productive imo.

Thank you for totally negating the content of what I wrote in order to take a pot shot.  I wrote a very thought-full post aimed at the board, life, the universe in general.  And, as I thought more, I thought about the individual who had prompted my thoughts and I returned with further thoughts - this time of a caring nature for the individual.

Yours was not thought-full.  Your post was intended as a put down.   A put down is not friendly (as you tried to claim when you felt challenged).  No, I don't think you are HUG et al but choose from the following labels whichever applies best : moralistic, superior, self-satisfied, shallow, stuck-up, condescending, patronising, (probably been there myself)...  

If you've never had a healthy outburst then you're missing out - and if you have...then let him who is without sin cast the first stone - hmmm???

Actually, I've just realised how truly pointless your post was.  Totally irrelevant.  I'll keep that in mind for the next time.

Still learning...

Nameless - is it OK for me to say that I'm proud of you?????  That was a marvellous post (re Your time is up).  It wasn't mean but it surely was assertive and vigorous.  :-)