This is interesting.
I have been doing a little "Get Well "program of my own. I found a program on disassociation. It says you MUST force yourself to be real and present.
I began to force myself to share things I really felt --NOT what I though I should/looked good.
I was afraid--in a sense--but in another sense--I felt at peace.
This is ME. No one can shame me cuz I am not hiding.
So--I have found people who are not screwed up the way I am .
They all say I am normal LOL
It is strange to think that maybe I AM buried treasure who was always OK---just a regular person with all that entails.
I am thinking that is the case.
I called my M --yesterday. She cried that she missed me. I cried but I got off fast LOL
Can't take a good thing too far with an N

My relationship with my guy is different. I try to take my hands off it .
I can be real and that is beautiful.
It is a winner relationship if you and he can be real.
You can't hold on to anything --really. Death is gonna take us all away--anyway