Author Topic: My feelings are hurt  (Read 2999 times)

Gaining Strength

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My feelings are hurt
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:35:05 PM »
About 15 months ago an acquaintence contacted me and said she was interested in helping me get one of my business ideas off the ground.  I was thrilled as my anxiety has ben a horrendous barrier for some years and she has been successful at a nmber of careers including her recent stint at a remarkably successful sole-proprietorship placing people in technology jobs across the Southeast and the Eastern seaboard.

For months we got together and talked several times a week and daily by phone and regularly shared information via e-mail.  Most of our conversations were about her struggles and her business ideas.  We have shared a number of personal struggles.  The bottom line is that in the past few weeks I have called, emailed and tried to communicate.  Sometimes she has responded but always about herself and no inquiry or conversation about me at all. 

Over Memorial Day weekend, I invited her to come over to my mother's home for a cookout.  Her initial reply was her normal non-committal.  I called her again on that Monday extending an invitation.  She accepted.  Also coming were two other women I had introduced her to and whom she had spent time "interviewing" for possible involvement in some of her "projects".  She, who is rigid about punctuality came almost 2 hours late and sat outside for sometime with other guests without entering or saying hello.  After she left, I never heard another word from her. 

So finally yesterday, I sent an email saying that I assumed that her silence meant that she no longer valued our friendship.  She replied late last night and basically said that she was going through a difficult time, that I needed to follow Ruiz' 4 agreements  #2 & 3 and not take things personally and not make assumptions and that she didn't have any obligation to me and then listed the only relationships in which obligations existed which were marriage and money making activities.

One of the things that I have listened to her bemoan and even crry about is that she is painfully tired of working by herself and yet it is clear that she lacks the skills to work or befriend others.  There are many issues and this is more involved than I can convey but the bottom line is that she knows that the greatest pain in my life is rejection and the lost friendships in the past and yet she is in no way able or willing to see past her own nose.

I am only posting this because I wanted to share this somewhere.  I definitely feel used.  She was my great friend when she needed me and now she doesn't.  My needs have zero to do with the equation. I do have the solace of the myriad of people whom I introduced her to have experienced a similar thing but they arre able to walk away because they had little invested. 

I will get over this quickly but it definitely taps into my greatest wound.  This will be part of my healing process but for now I am in pain and grieving.


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 03:26:54 PM »

This so-called "friend" sounds Narcissistic to me, IMHO.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 04:31:10 PM »
Dear Strength,

I am so sorry.  This can be devastating. 

Since I have been back in the workplace, I have met people like your "friend".  I have watched them closely and tried to figure out what makes them tick.  They believe their own talk when they get excited about a new project.  I dont think its an act.  But its like a drug, and they eventually come down from the high.  And all those plans and promises come to nothing.

I'm sorry.  I hope you dont let her crippling dysfunction trip you up.  I wish I could give her a good smack but she wouldnt understand why. :x

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 04:45:06 PM »
She sounds like someone who keeps looking for someone else who will make things happen in her life. Obviously she has found some "new blood" to inject herself with and realizes that draining more of yours won't get her where she wants to go. Not talking to you at the events was inexcusably rude. I feel like she probably only went because she was hoping to either meet someone new or entertain her new converts. She doesn't sound like she has anything to offer anyone and is probably going to take any good idea you come up with as her own. I'd steer clear of this poison!


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 05:34:05 PM »
Do you think we are N magnets?  It seems like no matter what we do we get involved with using people.

Wow!!  I would be pretty angry kind of reminds me of Laura.......long ago she was let into the "inside circle" at church only to be privy to the workings of a completely Narcissistic pastor's wife........or something like that.

People win you over with their charm and then they stick it to you.

I have one to top that.............this guy came to me and several of our friends and said he needed $50 from each of us..........we would have a private party at the bar he worked at and would be part of the planning for the expansion of the bar.  Our money pooled together would help him launch a new venture.  I gave him $50 and went to the bar that night.  No one.  He lied and just wanted my $50 for drugs.  I was duped.  It was probably 1981 so $50 was a lot to me!!!!  Just goes to show how needy we are for love and acceptance.......magnets for stupid people!!

Sorry for all the BS, GS!!!

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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 06:10:48 PM »
Thank you, Gaining Strength, for sharing this painful post about your most recent rejection.  It is helpful to me, going through a painful rejection, myself.  I can so relate...

I try to be pretty up front with people about how I can tolerate just about anything as long as there is honesty. and I try to prescreen for just the sort of behavior she displayed -- did you a favor by showing up and as soon as she was bored with you, you're supposed to mind your own business, it's her life after all.  Wah! 

I don't think it is that we are magnets so much as we send out signals that we give people a chance or that we are resilient and that is all some of them need.  And she may have picked up on clues that you were not going to fulfill all her narcissistic dreams for her and she dumped you early -- you may have sent out healthy little signals that she wasn't going to get as far as she thought at the outset.  Dont' know what makes em tick, but finding out after a relatively small investment is hopefully a step in the right direction? 

And my feelings are hurt for you as well.  Have a good snit!  That nasty woman!  She didn't deserve a fine friend like you anyway!

I went through a very insecure phase in the early 80s and found myself "chasing" my girl and boyfriends, just not to be alone.  Being much more secure now (ha ha) I seldom find myself needing to "track down" companionship.  But occasionally someone will give me that "chasing a lover" sensation and all my bells go off -- somehow they can manipulate a situation so that it is you trying to attain the joy of their company --- my thought is to allow others to compete for the joy of such companionship.
Love, Biddy


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 08:13:44 PM »
I don't think we are N magnets as such but their "help me and do what I ask so I can be happy" is sort of our comfort zone. We grew up trying to somehow do enough of the right things to count as worthy. I think as adults most of us understand that drill enough to avoid obvious N's but what still catches us is the lack of our own strong goals and wishes.

I think energetically when someone knows what they want and concentrates on it, they draw people to them and their ideas. Since we often have a hard time feeling strongly about our wants and needs, we are seldom preoccupied with our own world and open to getting roped into other peoples needs and wants.


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 08:47:04 PM »

I'm very sorry. I've had such hurts too, over what I thought were reciprocal friendships.

Turned out I was trying to use them like mortar, to prevent the cold wind of my loneliness from blowing through...

I was incredibly needy (not an epithet...I did NEED and for good reason) -- and so I was so hungry for love and connection that I snapped at all the bait such folks would dangle.

I too put up with non-reciprocal relationships for a long time and still have to watch for that tendency.

What's good news is that you really see it. You are hurt and angry about it.

Those are good responses, I think. Maybe not really a re-wounding but just confirmation that you have NOTICED a present wound?

That's a good thing. That will help guide you in fantasy relationships should one attract you again....

(I have an N"friend" who constantly dangled employment and monetary fantasies in front of me, right when I was feeling most desperate.)

UGGGH. Gradually, I began to see the only way forward (for me) was to build my own skills and find my own job/s.

INTERdependence is healthy and necessary but things were so tilted that I risked DEpendencies in a lot of friendships for a while...and it was toxic.

Maybe there's another good thing? You've seen this. You've seen in clearly. And you didn't build your life around her.

I'm sorry for the loss of the fantasy but admire your clarity....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 10:00:34 PM »
Wow.  How nice it is to have such support.  Thank you all.

I've been thinking about this today and I came to several conclusions: one is that this will be a great benefit to me because I know that it had little to do with me and it gives me yet more access to those original wounds that still hurt.  Rejection is one of my biggest.  I have been working on that in the past few weeks and see it as the real cornerstone of all the early wounds.  Another conclusion is that our wounds seem to have intersected.  A couple of weeks ago I asked for her help with one of my business ideas and I realize that she felt that I was asking for something that she couldn't give.  In her email she made several points in a passive, round about way, speaking about a business friend of hers while clearly the message was meant for me.  One of these passive points was that she has given too much to other people and she must focus on herself now. 

The buttons pushed for me are several.  She pulled away when I asked for her help. (Mind you, the whole reason we got together originally was because she said she wanted to help me.) The pulling away when I ask for help is a repetition of what I experienced in my FOO and I experienced it in multiple ways when my husband died and for the first time I asked people for help.  Almost all fell through, especially my parents and brothers and sisters-in-laws.  Of course this person knew that rejection and lost friendships were one of my greatest losses.  Especially lost friendships without even a word.  All of this will work out in the end.  And it was worth the effort.  I have to say that I am thankful that we did not enter a business arrangement together.  It would have been a disaster.

Bones - there is a kind of narcissistic quality.  And she had some real childhood wounds.  She is the 2nd of 4 children and her mother died her first week at college.  When she headed back to school after the funeral her father told her she was on her own and he would not be footing any more of her bills.  No warning.  She is very interprising and was able to provide for herself but she is the only one of the children that her father did not provide for.  No question that she longs to connect with men and has had great success with men on a business level but not romantically.  I actually think that she may have some form of asperger's.  It runs in her family.  She longs to connect but she has NO idea how.  That came through loud and clear with the way she handled the contacts that I helped her make.  She would get them involved in preliminary conversations and meetings about projects and then never follow up with them after meetings when she decided not to pursue the concepts.  She left people hanging left and right. And often literally cried because she was tired of working alone.

CB - she is very much like the people you describe.  I won't let this hurt me.  It will truly help me.  I will build on this and move forward more healthy and stronger.

Sealynx - you have part of it right.  I don't think she is able to see her role at all.  She needs and I was there and we have much in common.  But when she decided to move on she doesn't think she has any need to let me know that things have changed.  She wrote, " I have not broken any commitments to you that I am aware of. "  She never addressed my opening statement about valuing our friendship.

Overcomer - I have fallen for the $50 guy types in the past.  I do so hope I am past that now - lol.

Baddaughter - "
I don't think it is that we are magnets so much as we send out signals that we give people a chance or that we are resilient and that is all some of them need. "
I realized only a few weeks ago that I had fallen into an old trap.  She said early on that she wanted to help me and so repeating a pattern from my childhood, I made myself useful and available and I was present like a dutiful dog waiting for my bone.  When she needed more listening and more attention and more support and encouragement, I was there, passively waiting for my bone.  When, push came to shove, and no bone was forthcoming, I asked for it.  And guess what????  Same thing happened that happened repeatedly in my childhood.  But the good news is this time I understand and I was able to see what I was doing.  THAT is what is different and that is a great sign of healing and for that I am thankful.

Hops - yes, yes, yes and yes.  That's it, you got it.
Yes to the needing, yes to the hunger, yes to non-recip.
AND yes to the getting it, seeing it and yes to the good thing.

Thanks for sharing.

And thanks again to all for the help and the support.  It is so life giving.


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 07:04:34 AM »
I am feeling rejected right now, too. It helped to read your post. Maybe, rejection is just part of life on this earth.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 08:14:25 AM »
OK, so perhaps - perhaps - it is our conditioning that makes us vulnerable to "falling" for the "trick" again.

But on the other hand... if we don't assume the risk of being rejected, or not being important enough to others to earn some of their time & help... or simply accept the idea that someday we'll have to let the people/relationship go... and knowing that our feelings can be hurt (more easily because of old wounds) by these risks....

well, I guess to me that's not an option (much as I like solitude!) - it's more like giving up.

So, don't give up GS. There ARE people out there who can help you... and even if they sit behind an impersonal desk or email (say, the Small Business Administration)... you CAN connect with them... and who knows? Some of my business contacts became friends, and remain so - long after we both were involved in the same institution.

Just gotta dust ourselves off, stand up, and move on when someone chooses not to play in our playground. And remind ourselves that it's not necessarily US that's the cause of this parting and loss.
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Gaining Strength

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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 08:14:26 AM »
Ami, I am sorry you are feeling rejected.  It is the most painful thing there is for me.

PR - I do think our conditioning makes us vulnerable but I also think that the risk is very worth it.  I definitely won't give up.

I am working very hard to move out of a passive position and into an active determined one.  I have come to realize that I was taught, forced into being passive and "waiting" for the things I want and hope for.  I know exactly how my father taught me.  I see my mother living that out as well.  I am also actively working on meditations that are healing.  My anxiety is so huge.  I feel my hands and arms shaking during the day with no provocation.  I am using specific meditations to shift into a different default.

I am thankful for this last "friendship" loss.  It shows me that I am healing and that I am on the right track.  And I am thankful for that.


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 08:40:36 AM »
My philosophy ,now, is to put myself out there as real as I can be. Whatever happens will help me--acceptance OR rejection cuz *I* was real.
 If I get rejected--I will re live all those childhood feelings of abandonment.
 Last night----I wailed and rocked with pain.
 Today I am better :D
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Gaining Strength

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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2010, 08:49:17 AM »
I am glad you are better Ami.  I hope tomorrow is better still.

I have just been cleaning.  I am finding myself more able to do this.  I am thankfl for the healing although it is clear this will be a step by step process.
As I do this I am beseiged with horrific psychological pain.  I feel the adrenaline course through my body.  Even now my hands are shaking.  I do not have access the the full knowledgge of the origin of this but I am aware of the constant criticism and the expectation of failure and I suspect that is enough.  I could hear those voices as I worked.

Give me the strength to persevere.  I have hope that I can get on the other side of all of this.


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Re: My feelings are hurt
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 05:52:42 PM »
maybe all you need is someone cheering on the sidelines to counter the old "tapes"....

HIP HIP HOOOOOOORRRRRAAAAAAYYYY for GS!!!!!! She accomplished _______________ today!!!!!!!
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