For the two posters who addressed S: you know S is an N. I know S is an N. S doesn't know S is an N. I do not respond or address her in any way. I think many others don't as well. It is useless. If S had empathy and good intent, she would know she causes pain and chaos here and be gone.
Possibly many n's wouldn't even tolerate a child sex offender to remain in their home. My SIL wouldn't and I think she's an n.
Any offer or plot or scheme to kill harm rob or sexually offend anybody particularly a child is a jailable crime in my country and S's too. People are being jailed over this very thing happening on the internet. Any adult caught making any
offer of sex to a child over the internet nowdays is liable to be caught by undercover net police and get a jail sentence. Why? Because an offer is an act, not a thought.
Also, an offer forms the essential basis of any contract under common law. You can
have no acceptance without first having an offer on which to accept it.
Which is precisely why S's husbands
offer was a serious jailable offence. If I offer to kill someone I will be arrested and tried. It need not even have been accepted by the other party I make the proposition too. I have presented and given my full consent of the contract to be accepted by the other party. That is all I need to have done to have committed a crime.
Thankfully, S's child wisely declined the offer which never should have been made. The offer was a gravely serious illegal act.
I am saddened for those members here who experienced sexual abuse as children. I am saddened that you see S's presence still here on a daily basis as a reminder.
Please take heart in this statement.
S couldn't see well enough to do the right thing by her own children. How can we expect her to see what harm her selfishness in staying here causes? Also, how can we expect her to put others first here when she couldn't do that for her own children?
Also, I don't accept you have a right to a presence here S. You could and should find a more appropriate forum for your real issues. I don't believe your sister is your 'real' problem. Also S, I doubt your intentions here.