I appreciate everyone's response on this thread. You are saying what I have going around in my mind, but don't have the ability to put to paper. I live in my thoughts, more or less.
With one Narcisssit, he can put such a spin on an issue, that it make you feel nuts, and stupid, and can seem beyond you.
With the highly educated, yes... they have such insight into everything, it seems, and it is beyond us. They really know how to be evil crooks and cover their butts.
In both cases it is about power and control.
I've thought, perhaps would say, if there are family members who fight, or neighbours who fight, it just gets bigger so that countries fight (war) but after all my research online, I see that there just has to be CONTROL, of everyone by the CORPORATIONS, which are inter-owned by all the billionaires in the world (The Illuminati) and it appears they have no empathy, so they have no problem killing millions of people at a time. I can only go by what I read, see on videos, and hear on internet radio, but who to really belive. I just believe that so many past events were staged--my suspicions arose with JFK's assissination. Since all possibilties for the reasoning of that, and the people involved have been released, I began to take more notice, and I wonder how we will fare, what we can do.
Can the USA start another revolution?
It disturbs me to hear that all the young Americans are overseas fighting the war(s) while Russian and German? soldiers are present in Canada and the USA, at the ready for killing us, as Americans might find difficult to do.
Is Florida really going to disappear into the ocean? That is horrendous!!!! Perhaaps G-d meant for that oil to remain there undisturbed!
Then I hear that oil runs under the earth as far as California and it, as well, can drop into the earth---Google 'sinkholes'. It's awful. Unbelievable until one sees a picture.
So I think of the N I was with, the N my daughter married and the end result is.... we are all equal when it comes to the threat that is hanging over our heads! There is no way these individual Ns can be superior to/exempted from ... what is happening!
Being that I live alone, I must depend upon the kindness of strangers, or in this case, a validation on a forum of strangers that there are others who feel the threat/the evil that exists.
Thank You