Author Topic: Whose life is in danger....  (Read 7180 times)


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Whose life is in danger....
« on: July 14, 2010, 07:03:12 PM »
...from this oil spill in the Gulf.

The way this is going, it just history repeating itself...a fascist Obama, just like a fascist Hitler and a fascist Mussolini

..and Obama is vactioning in Maine?

« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:53:34 AM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 08:52:33 PM »
I do not understand your post.  You call our president a fascist.  Yet Obama has also been called a socialist.  What I understand is that these two philosophies are in conflict with each other.

And I believe that this post is not appropriate for this site.  This is not designed for political comments.  When I come to this site I expect to have support and offer support to people dealing with narcissism in their lives.  If you have a comment regarding President Obama and narcissism then I feel that is appropriate here.

If I have misinterpreted your post, I apologize.


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 10:03:23 PM »
Obama is a Narcissist! but he is also ruled by other Narcissists higher on the scale of the élite and, to all of them, the lives of the people in the Gulf States mean nothing with this attempt to kill off millions of people.

As President of the USA, he is vactioning in Maine, while all the Gulf States people are being urged to 'bug out', but to not get into a Government vehicle or will end up in a FEMA concentration camp!

I am concerned about the people on here who might be in that area, and just how aware they are, when lives are so filled with other things, on purpose, to keep people from seeing the real truth.

Narcissism on a grand scale!
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 11:58:37 PM »
Hi Izzy,
Thank you for the concern. I live in Louisiana about 26 miles from the gulf. I wish we could blame one person for what the government hasn't done, but unfortunately our current problems are the result of decisions made by many people of every political persuasion. We see the negative effect of large corporations in every aspect of our lives. Big oil, big medical and pharmaceutical companies own too many of our representatives from the top to the bottom and they go on to staff key committees. Many of these companies do appear to be run by the most amoral and heartless of people. You may wish to check out the film "Money Medicine" on Amazon video on Demand. It is only $1.99 to view it. What it says about health care is true in other areas run by corporations.

This is horrible but I think it is a wake-up call. If we don't want to have government by narcissists for narcissists we need to send honest, ordinary people to the house and the senate rather than the choice of huge political organizations that owe far too much to corporate interests. Our state just got hit again today. A shipyard that employed 5000 people in New Orleans will close in two years. Nothing I have read suggests that the Gulf of Mexico will be a safe place to fish for at least a generation. What we need to do now is bring new manufacturing plants to our coast that can employ unskilled labor. Unfortunately our state has long courted Chemical and Oil companies to the exclusion of other industries. As the rigs and plants have become more automated we have been left with fewer and fewer jobs and all the pollution.  We need to think outside the box now. I hope we will rise to the occasion.


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2010, 12:10:31 AM »
Oh Sealynx it must be absolutely devastating to be near.
I am so sorry for what trauma the whole region is feeling...

Please keep sharing your story of the Gulf.

You could start a thread just to tell us what you're living through or observing...

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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2010, 10:12:50 AM »
Thanks Hops,
For the first two months it felt like I was waking up in a funeral home every morning. There was a feeling in the air of death. Intuitively I think that is when the majority of the wildlife was struggling and dying. It is still going on but more of the higher animals have fled because food supplies on the lower end of the food chain have died off.

I really feel for the fishermen. Most engaged in two forms of business, selling to commercial houses and a cash only business selling from roadsides and to local markets. For some smaller boats the cash only business made up the majority of their sales. So when BP says show me proof of what you made, they can't and BP's lawyers know that. They have also shown they will play every legal game with people who have zero income at present.

The government is stepping in but if you agree to let them arbitrate you give up the right to sue for personal loss and agree to accept what they come up with. Many people don't realize it but claims from the EXXON disaster were settled 20 years after the spill and a federal judge reduced them to 20 cents on the dollar.  Was that judges appointment affected by oil interests? I would think so. They certainly had plenty of time to set up their appeal.

 In this case we are not dealing with a few coastal towns, we are dealing with the fishing and tourism industry of four states and the fact that even if they are paid for their current losses, there is literally nowhere to run for them. Florida at least has a lot of coastline, but if your Pensacola guest house is empty who will buy it so you can move to St. Augustine?? Fishing and working on oil rigs is the only game in town for many of these coastal communities. It is the main reason for living along a coast that is routinely destroyed by hurricanes. They've raised their houses to deal with high water, but how do you raise a new economy in a place too disaster prone for major commercial enterprises to set up shop and do it with a grade school or high school education?

BP's current checks (when they give them) are only paying part of the current loss to these people, and since they are always late the money is spent before it arrives. How do you plan for a new way of life with no disposable income? Should you continue to pay the note on your home when every one on the block will soon be vacant and there is no work? Do you abandon your life and try to find a job in another part of the state with virtually no resume? What do you do about a disaster so huge and unforeseen?


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 10:52:27 AM »
An online radio statio I listen talks very openly about this and who's to blame, and it is far reaching, to Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. (The Bilderburg Group, CFA etc.)

I wish we could blame one person for what the government hasn't done, but unfortunately our current problems are the result of decisions made by many people of every political persuasion.

and says the solution is to be like the Nuremburg Trials--take them all into account for this planned disaster, this crime against humanity.

I so dislike that the Queen, of Canada, who I used to respect as the Monarch, is at the top, near top, of this, as she owns BP. (She had Diana killed, it appears, from other things I've read.)

I may be in Canada but that oil can creep up the Mississippi to the Great Lakes and infect us from Ontario to the Atlantic, and will eventually cross the Ocean to Europe. This is one unholy disaster, brought on by the Narcissist's/Psychopaths who do not give a damn about the lives of what they called, the 'small people'.

Right now I am so safe in my little apartment, but I have to wonder how long that will last, and I don't have the abilty to escape.

The PTB have been digging underground living quarters, with their own water supply, electricity, food supply, everything, for a disaster such as this. The New Denver Airport's underground is if you don't know--- and the Queen has purchased property on a mountain in Colorado with underground facilities, as Britain is a low lying country, and might disappear as Florida is expected to.

This is really serious and I feel so helpless for everyone! Will anarchy break out?

It's being said that only because people have guns that this hasn't been worse, sooner. It's only these past 15 months of being laid up, that gave me to time to research all this, whereas most people have been going about their daily business and the real truths are not in the general Media. Even images from satellites have been doctored.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 11:41:26 AM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 12:35:35 PM »
Hi Izzy,
I could add many more stories of insult and injury to what you have heard, but I try to restrict my news coverage to what I can truly do something about. It is possible that at some point in our history, only the rich will survive an ecological disaster in caves or remote islands, but their lives won't be a piece of cake either. Even an N needs peons to keep their world going round!  Those talking heads  on TV and in the press who spend their time writing and speaking only about what is wrong with people and don't address underlying issues that empower them are not doing me a service. Constant bad news weighs heavily on our health.

I could list a hundred terrible things I've learned about "what is wrong" though this disaster, but my greatest concern is not about the blatantly evil people, it is about the average person who will not renounce a way of living that gives power to these institutions. I have always lived modestly, bought fuel efficient vehicles and every year I try to teach a new group of students what critical thinking is and how to use it.

In spite of the admittedly awful job our government is doing with this oil spill and the protection it has afforded BP on many fronts, I am most concerned by my states lack of proactive economic incentives. We could be doing many things with the BP monies. Not the least of these would be creating inland fish hatcheries that use filtered gulf water to raise healthy new sea life. We can easily become so angry and focused on who is to blame that we forget the small things that can and should to be done to begin restoration efforts.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 01:39:55 PM by Sealynx »


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 02:27:47 PM »
Right Sealynx

--and I am googling about Canada all the time to see where we stand because in the end the entire world will be affected in some way.

Right now for me, it is who to trust, as we've had 2 Prime Ministers who have betrayed Canada, and the first was to allow a central banking system as the Fed is in the USA.  On my Internet travels, I see many who have not even seen the light. I try to see what out current Prime minister is up to and nothing, but I keep googling

I can be selfish and think about my money, my home, my car---and I try to tell my daughter to watch out, but she doesn't want to discuss this, as she has been too busy with work, children and living life to pay attention to what is really happening. I worry more about her and my grandchildren in the long run, as they will live longer than I will.

This is still to me about Narcissists and we have not just one or two on a small scale but a huge number on a large scale who can plan these disasters....just as one N can plan a disaster for his spouse or family, and we all know how difficult it is to 'fight' his superiority and lack of empathy, who takes the money and runs---the person/world is in a bind!

It is said that just one person can make a difference, but I wouldn't know where to start and I have all the time in the world, just sitting here and wondering what any one person can do.

Just ridding the USA of its President won't even make a dent, as the higher ups who pull his strings will still be there.

Yet I cannot really conceive of the idea that this is the end of the world (as we know it, maybe) but the Illumiinati is not going to allow themselves to be killed-- they will have their 13 bloodlines to repopulate the world with their blueblood.

I read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, written in 1932, and it spells out a scenario, that is apparently something he knew about what the future would be like, just about one step above where we are now, and babies were bred in jugs, for their positions as peons, even ones chosen to be 'idiots', but there were people from the Old World who were not affected.

but I am at a point that I cannot just turn a bliind eye! The FEMA camps scare me to death for the regular guy, as they who are incarcerated, and live, will be the slaves, I expect.

HAARP caused the 2004 tsunami, guided Hurricane Katrina into Louisiana, 2005, caused the Haitian earthquake--was that just last year or? (I lost some time after the accident) and now many more lives lost or to be lost from the poisons.... Georgia Guidestones orders to bring Earth to a population of ˝ billion only.

When it comes to fear that I have had all my life, whether tucked away or right up front, I tell myself to not evacuate--just sit and take what comes.
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 04:12:46 PM »
I certainly applaud you Canadians who are fighting the good fight now, when you first see your government becoming like ours! I have several friends in Canada and one in particular is very angry about many recent changes, especially the G20 stuff. Keep Canada Canadian! I may need to retire there one day!!.
P.S. I'll bring my own money!


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2010, 06:32:39 PM »
Darn it!--or worse if I could post !@#$%^&*&^%$#@!

Chevron Canada Limited has a 50 per cent stake in the venture. Other participants include Shell Canada Energy, ExxonMobil Canada Ltd. and Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited.

I just found this. We are drilling in the North Atlantic and it is to be deeper down than BP drilled.

That's one kilometer (3,280 feet) deeper than the well that was being drilled by the Deepwater Horizon rig before it ruptured, gushing an estimated 210,000 gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico each day.

I just hope that we haven't beed keeping bad company, somewhere, and get pulled in, but then we have never been consodered a super-power to be destroyed.

Our government began to change about 1970 and there they are attempting a deeper drill.

I so dislike change. I wanted the status quo some time ago. It's like, stop the world, I want to get off and catch my breath, mull around about things, alone and uninterrupted, then climb back on and be better prepared, but it goes to fast for me.

Come on ahead, as there is plenty of room in Northern Canada. We have a gorgeous country, but I have also seen breathtaking scenes in the USA.  They're God's countries and the 'satanists' are trying to destroy everything....all for money greed, power, control.

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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2010, 10:45:57 PM »
Remember the saying: "May you live in interesting times"?

Well, I think we are living in interesting times.

I think that if I allowed myself to feel anything in reaction to this oil spill, I would implode into a dark hole.

Everyday I'm looking for the smallest glimmers of light in my life. I don't look to the news for that.

Human beings interfere too much with too many things.

I heard recently that scientists are now genetically engineering fish to mature faster so they can turn a profit faster in the fish markets.
I wonder if some of these fish get into the wild what will that do to the ecosystem?

I lost my faith in humanity a long time ago.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 10:47:36 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2010, 08:18:25 AM »
FINALLY! someone said what I've been too afraid to say out loud or online: "government by narcissists for narcissists".

But, one thing I do believe (pollyanna-ish, I know) is that while we live in "interesting times" for sure - and dangerous times as well - the pendulum of change and balance will swing back the other way....... eventually. And it is up to us "little people" to spread sanity and random acts of kindness... when the opportunity presents itself. That may seem like a pebble in the ocean... but that ripple does spread and grow into a decent size wave.

And from what I have seen - Mother Nature can take care of herself better than humans can imagine and she does, on a regular basis. We should be figuring out how to "live WITH" nature... and not think we know the right thing to protect, to artificially manage, or flat out know enough (scientifically or even morally) to be able to "know" what the right "balance of nature" is. The whole of that system is too complex, too chaotic, too large even... to comprehend with a human sensibility. The time-scale may not be convenient to humans - or the method could be life-threatening.... it is the role of humans to adapt and they do it well.

However, the governmental issues are another story. Kinda hard to adapt when you are heard, only to be dismissed as not knowing right from wrong or acknowledged as smart enough to know what you want - or to know a lie when you hear it. I don't like groups of frightened people with guns. I don't want to live in a fortress (even though subconsciously, I've been working on just that). And I completely disagree with the government's premise that it needs to take more of everyone's income (thru taxes) to pay for an aggrandized version of what it believes government can do better than society at large. Capitalism & our form of democracy is far from perfect - it's just better than the alternatives and it's true that some large corporations become corrupted with powerful delusions... but not all.

But please don't let the talking heads with their "catastrophic" talk about worst-case scenarios push you away from being able to see what is still "right" with the world... people... society... and yes, even government & large corporations. It ain't ALL bad news... but they are paid to make you think and feel that it is.... and propaganda is designed to either scare the crap out of people, confuse them, or get them to "give up".
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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2010, 09:52:40 AM »
I've had similar feelings for the past couple years, Izzy.

That things are going to get very upside down.

It made me feel better to prepare a bit for uncertain times.

I bought three 5 gallon buckets for storing 3 months supply of food, spices, batteries, medications, vitamins, tea, small bills, a water filtering system and baby wipes: /  We had lots of jerkey, different dried "peas" (cause they take less time to cook than beans) and rice.  Making sure you provide familiar comfort foods is very important also. 

I stopped short of purchasing the little bucket toilet with a seat and waste waste disposal bags used on airplanes (one bag for number 1 and one for number 2) you can line your regular toilet with plastic bags then tie them off.  I also researched, but didn't purchase,  the tiny camping stove with a fan that burns anything (pinecones, twigs,etc.) which brings water to the boil very quickly.  It was like $80.00 ACK: /  About the size of a tin can, really.  Stocking the other things, and researching how to survive a crisis, really brought down my anxiety levels though.   Did you know you can prepare acorns many different ways and survive on them?  The large ones are from white oaks and the smaller ones (more bitter) are from red oaks.  Who knew?  Since I live on the edge of a forest preserve, I found that interesting.

That said, I used the buckets as a pantry for a while, which is a good way to monitor what you use and replenish those items regularly.  If you aren't going to rotate the dried peas and rice, you need to put them in the freezer for a week or so, to kill the buggies that might hatch.  Alas, the buckets are pretty empty right now.  My anxiety levels have leveled off.

Addressing some of these shelter in place issues might help you with your anxiety, Izz. 

You can pull up information on the internet to figure out your needs.

::Picturing Izzy wheeling around 90 gallon jugs of water in her neat little apartment::

I'm sorry you're feeling so vulnerable Izzy, but you certainly have a right to those feelings and to deal with them.


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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2010, 10:51:27 AM »
While we are discussing survival you might enjoy this local new media info on how seafood from the gulf is being "tested". If you can't smell the oil or dispersant it ain't there?? As much as the economy of my state depends on it, this is crazy. My guess is they are promoting the "everything is fine" to get BP off the hook.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 12:01:08 PM by Sealynx »