Author Topic: Whose life is in danger....  (Read 7179 times)


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #45 on: July 23, 2010, 04:39:07 PM »
In regards to my last post, I am concerned for my daughter and grandchildren if all this comes about without an uprising from the people. I asked her permission to send her documentation on how "history is all a lie" and she said it was OK, but to not expect a 'debate' on it.

I also mentioned parts to my sister and some scared her so much, that I stopped.

I sent a link to my brother (we are 5 siblings, 68-75 years of age with children and grandchildren) and he never replied---a first for him.

Maybe they all think I have lost my mind, but I am the only one I know who has 24 hours a day on my hands to have delved into this, while others are busy living their lives and perhaps only watch the 6:00 pm news and that's it.

The decadency that has now pervaded the music and movie industry is phenomenal (all owned by the Illuminati) and does anyone know about "HAARP" in Alaska, that can create tsunamis, 2004, hurricanes (Katrina), 2005,  and earthquakes (Haiti), 2008-9?-- and emits other signals as well.

I mentioned some time ago, that I had compartmentalized my feelings. I don't feel scared. I tell this as fact that I have uncovered, be it right or wrong, checked and double-checked. From trauma-based physical abuse, I must have 'put it all away' and at 71 I am not about to go retrieving all that pain. When my sister said I scared her, I knew I didn't have the feelings that she has, but i understand about hurting people and I certainly never mean any harm. Where does all the truth lie? an oxymoron? Truth Lie?

So whatever has happened to me since, I have accepted as undoable, and change my live accordingly, while people think I am so strong and mallable!

I wonder if I get a do-over from G-d?

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #46 on: July 23, 2010, 08:30:16 PM »
Wow!!!  This subject gets more heated by the day.  As long as we are posting links, I have one that I hope will provide some education.  I am still researching.  Let's all look to education as opposed to political ideologies.

I still believe in the spirit of humanity.


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2010, 09:05:53 PM »
And Phoenix, I do agree with your comment.

But, one thing I do believe (pollyanna-ish, I know) is that while we live in "interesting times" for sure - and dangerous times as well - the pendulum of change and balance will swing back the other way....... eventually. And it is up to us "little people" to spread sanity and random acts of kindness... when the opportunity presents itself. That may seem like a pebble in the ocean... but that ripple does spread and grow into a decent size wave.

The Illuminati, the Masons, Aliens seeking to control Earth, End-Time predictions.  I believe these are Narcissist groups, seeking to instill fear, just as the microcosim of our individual narcissists have. If everyone is afraid enough, they will look to anyone to save them.  Even the narcissist.

These ARE interesting times.  How many other "interesting" times have there been in the evolution of man?  As I mentioned in my comment about the circle of life, it does swing back.  Each pebble creates a path.


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2010, 09:48:11 AM »
I wish I could CHOOSE, have a CHOICE about not being connected to a narcissist in some way, in this spiderweb network of life, but I think it is impossible, every big company and every government and even every little town's community council is going to have a sneering narcissist sitting at the front of the table where decisions are being made about the world that I have to live in since, unfortunately I am human instead of alien.

LAST POST on this topic, from me... until the discussion moves into more than just inflaming fear and creating more "monsters" under the bed and engaging everyone's reptilian brain. I'm not running to buy more ammo or building seige fences.

I choose to not live like that, Muffin Buster. I choose to not grant the rampant-running N-monsters the power to create a hell that I don't want to live in. I quoted you above, because what you've said is - in my experience - true. And it's also true, that some of them have political power, gobs of money, and make the rules that affect the daily lives of many people (and these Ns are of all political and religious persuasions). And I know that it's true, that their power is an illusion. It's an illusion because the only power they really have is to make one afraid. Even that power isn't as great as they think it is! Some of us aren't afraid to say:

WHAT new clothes, Emperor? You're stark nekkid!!      And then laugh.

Back when I was also afraid my mom would steal my organs and afraid that, that fear made me insane... I was drawn to information and stories and pictures of Holocaust victims. My nightmares included these stories and images. Even when my stomach was turning in fear and disgust at what some humans were capable of - and the reasons why - I kept reading and learning. I ran across these stories again after therapy, when I was researching PTSD. And I found what I was unconsciously looking for, finally.

No one has the power to tell me what to think; to feel is right or wrong. No one can tell me what to choose for myself. Yes, every choice has consequences... and some choices are only "bad" and "even worse". But if I choose to live free to say - "that is WRONG" - I still can. And no one has to agree with me. And I believe that it's the people who can see N in the world and say "that is wrong" who have the real power - not the people spinning the "end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it" stories or the people at the head of institutions, appointed to committees, or elected by people looking for the "lesser evil".

The sun still shines and comes up every morning - and the birds still sing. Someday in the next week, it might rain and cool off. Meanwhile, there's sweet tea, ice, people I like - and people I don't, and it's just FINE with me that some bozos think they control the world or know what's best for the rest of us or think they can hide (from??) the consequences of their own decisions and actions. I know that's not the way it works. There IS justice in the world - even if it's not always public knowledge or posted on the internet.

When the asteroid finally gets close enough to disrupt the gravity on earth - someone will be N-ishly oblivious to his or her job of monitoring space and sounding the alarm and summoning the cavalry until it's too late. And all the Ns will be sucked off the earth by the asteroid because they're so full of hot air. It's just as real a possibility, to me. And there are a lot more "alternate endings" I can think of... and they're all just as possible... and I think I'm going to go try to think up a whole bunch more.
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2010, 10:57:30 AM »
LAST POST on this topic, from me... until the discussion moves into more than just inflaming fear and creating more "monsters" under the bed and engaging everyone's reptilian brain.

Last post for me too.
I'll just say I never knew there was such an array of (what's the word I'm looking for.....'interesting'.....yeah that's the ticket) interesting perspectives here.
