...........lying to us while putting our lives in danger.... while they have underground cities to run to in case of total destruction above ground.....
Izzy, I have listened to radio-talk-programs that discuss this exact thing. I have felt disgust over this in the past.
One of the companies that I worked for had issues with bomb-scares. I didn't understand why for a long time, but eventually I understood that there were customers who were treated so unfairly that the company would get targeted. Even irate customers don't have an effect on the core beliefs of these people though.
Each time there was an article in the news that was related to the company, the company would scramble on emergency mode to respond with their own statement that they wanted the customers read. People are influenced by what is in print in magazines or in the news but the sources of the printed material and news are human generated by people who have their own agendas. The people who are part of the game just laugh knowingly.
I personally do agree with some of what I hear on these radio shows, I know some of these less then mainstream concepts to be true. There is a tremendous effort and energy that goes into keeping certain things (and people) quiet and covered up.
I'm glad there are people who will explore the unknown.
I also hear some things on these radio shows that almost give me nightmares. I hear about sasquaches, chupacabras, vampires, aliens, and various types of monsters and after hearing that I don't want to turn the light off when I go to sleep at night just like a kid, I think to myself "what if an alien-vampire-chupacabra-politician is flying outside my window peering in at me while I'm falling asleep waiting to suck my brains out?"
Out of kindness to myself sometimes I just have to turn it off. I think part of what makes those types of radio shows so exciting is the creepy factor. Sometimes those radio shows intersperse real scientists with other people who are more like hobbyists or more science-fictiony.
I can't think of anything scarier then a Narcissistic Alien government.

Well, actually I guess there are worse things then a Narcissistic Alien government.
Wealthy Japanese people purchase the body organs from executed Chinese prisoners. To me, that is about as amoral as it gets, one of the worst examples of benefiting from others misfortune. It's pretty intense. I think the world is an ugly place sometimes when I'm not watching the beautiful sunrise over the water.
Maybe this is why Narcissistic people have children--it's for the organs.
I'm sort of kidding, but I think my mother actually believes I might donate an organ to her if she needed one. I think that is why she sometimes pretends to be nice to me, it's because she wants to rip my beating heart out of my chest right at the moment she is about to have a heart attack. HAAAA! I've had an an epiphany.
I ask myself: Why even pretend to be sane anymore.
If anyone out there actually believes in morality or the goodness of humans then watch the PBS documentary on the history of lobotomies that were performed on populations who had the least power: people in mental institutions, elderly & children.
It's not as if there are just a few messed up people in this world, it seems that every person is capable of allowing bad things to happen if not being a participant or an instigator.
Nurses helped with unnecessary lobotomies that seemed to be more like a weird circus stage performance. The doctor hammered icepicks into peoples eye sockets and somehow he convinced his colleagues that it was a legitimate way to heal people.
Being a human being is disgusting, I want to be a tree rooted somewhere far, far away from humans.
I wish I could CHOOSE, have a CHOICE about not being connected to a narcissist in some way, in this spiderweb network of life, but I think it is impossible, every big company and every government and even every little town's community council is going to have a sneering narcissist sitting at the front of the table where decisions are being made about the world that I have to live in since, unfortunately I am human instead of alien.
I hear people saying the phrase a lot lately about "you always have the choice".. It's not true. I didn't have a CHOICE as a kid to get away from my Narcisistic mother. A regular-joe-blow person can't get away from the power of billionaires either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh uncontrolably