Author Topic: Whose life is in danger....  (Read 7181 times)


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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2010, 08:45:26 AM »
SIGH... ain't it awful?
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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2010, 01:37:03 PM »
The idea is that they don't go to the level where they start paying people to sit home and share in their profit by buying stock.

Unfortunately for the taxi drivers a small employee owned company is not capable of producing taxi cabs. Or the earth movers and pavers which build the roads the taxis drive on. Or of filling the office buildings with employees for the cab drivers to drive around.
There's a reason there are public corporations; it's the only way to get big enough to do those things which require more capital than a few cab drivers banding together. And shareholders don't just sit back and soak up profits. If they invest poorly they sit back and absorb losses. Either way they are providing liquidity to provide products and services that otherwise couldn't be provided.
Big companies that make things like transportation and drugs and fuel are easy to blame for all sorts of ills until our kid cuts his femoral artery playing American Indian in the woods and we need a Sikorsky helicopter full of Exxon-Mobil JP4 jet fuel taking the kid to an HMO where he's pumped full of Big Pharma antibiotics to prevent an infection from killing him.
I don't think there is some ideal middle ground where we get the benefits of modernity without the costs.



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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2010, 01:49:52 PM »
I don't think there is some ideal middle ground where we get the benefits of modernity without the costs.

Sure there is! It's called Scandinavia.



PS--I wanna go back to Sweden. But not in winter!
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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2010, 03:35:43 PM »
Sure there is! It's called Scandinavia.

You mean the home of tiny companies like Volvo and Saab which produce not only autos and fume belching semis but warplanes? Or Ikea which reportedly makes its furniture from wood? Or Valmet and others which produce forest gobbling machines which log the wood for Ikea? Or Husqvarna which makes the smelly smoking two stroke chainsaws to cut down the forsts?
Or do you mean Norway which reaps gigantic profits from vast North Sea oil exploitation?
Or Iceland which managed to produce a financial catastrophe of their own, considerably worse per capita than anything the US has seen?
Between all of them they have a bit more than half the population of California so I question whether their per capita pollution or other modern problems are less than anywhere else. And they fairly uniformly have rather high rates of suicide and alcoholism so not too sure if they've hit the sweet spot. And considering the growing cultural clashes now occurring with their rapidly expanding Muslim populations I doubt it's going to be getting any sweeter any time soon.



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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2010, 11:42:56 PM »
Hops and Mud,

This was an eye=opener!  And right on topic too....Scandinavia has its struggles just like we all do.  Just funny what theirs look like!

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2010, 06:15:15 PM »
And I believe that this post is not appropriate for this site.  This is not designed for political comments.  When I come to this site I expect to have support and offer support to people dealing with narcissism in their lives.

I agree Logy. I didn't come here to see our president compared to a Nazi who sent 17 million Jews to their death. I'm outta here for now. I've felt comfortable on this board for many years. That just changed.



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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2010, 07:43:27 PM »
My interest in this is a question about why the "common guy" is not able or willing to mobilize his energy towards his own best interests?

In my mind, personally, it is not a question for me about which politician is the better politician, but rather something along the lines of: within this current culture and social structure, how does a person maintain their sense of integrity and humanness in a world that appears to be degrading the higher aspects of what it even means to be human (something more then fearful, fighting animals).

I think that listening to the news can make a person feel crazy sometimes because of all the chaos. It is reminiscent of the feeling of being around Narcissists. Many people can start to feel overwhelmed by what is in the news/current events. Aside from talking about it or voting, many individuals really can't or don't make a difference so people have frustration and a helplessness of witnessing it.
The news and television are a one-way portal, we can not stick our hands into the television and fix it, and despite reducing, reusing and recycling and's actions don't yield much reality.

Personally, I have volunteered, I have worked for non-profits, I have worked for big corps., I havent driven a vehicle in over a decade, I don't feel that anything I have done has made one iota of a difference.

Some of these conspiracy theories are very compelling, I don't believe everything I hear, yet at the same time I know enough about life to understand that corrupt things are happening.

Like you Izzy, I can not build an underground shelter to crawl into. Hopefully "armageddon" will not happen in your life time.

Go drink a beer.  :)



Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2010, 08:21:44 PM »
Hi Just Kathy,

"...a fascist Obama, just like a fascist Hitler and a fascist Mussolini."

Only one person’s opinion/voice and not shared by me.    Actually, many Israelis (but not American Jews who were supporters in the last election) consider Obama to be too far to the left (hardly a fascist), and fiddling while Israel is about to burn—you may want to look at this blog:                                                            

Since we’ve talked about the narcissism of leaders and corporate executives, I think the topic is OK.  I hope you stick around!


« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 08:28:56 PM by Dr. Richard Grossman »


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Re: Who's life is in danger....
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2010, 08:28:43 PM »
I am Jewish so I can say this. I hate to see fellow Jews on Obama's side. The night Obama won, I could not sleep all night cuz I knew we--Americans and Jews --were in Trouble.
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2010, 12:51:53 AM »
And I believe that this post is not appropriate for this site.  This is not designed for political comments.  When I come to this site I expect to have support and offer support to people dealing with narcissism in their lives.

I agree Logy. I didn't come here to see our president compared to a Nazi who sent 17 million Jews to their death. I'm outta here for now. I've felt comfortable on this board for many years. That just changed.


to each his own...

I have already said my piece, in essence, (who's) whose life is in danger from the actions of the Narcissists running a large Corporation and perhaps lying to us while putting our lives in danger.... while they have underground cities to run to in case of total destruction above ground.

Whose life is in danger from living with just one Narcissist who lies to you and you go crazy or become paranoid, sometime with good reason, that he might kill you, and still lie enough to get away with it?

If one cannot see the comparison in the bigger picture from just one's life then maybe one had better check on one's own understanding of other people's lives!

When I learned of Narcissism in my life, I learned how to deal with it.... and now I see it on such a large scale I wonder what will happen to all of us who have fought do hard to put our lives together, when the World is loaded with liars and Narcissists, big corporations, central banks, and don't give a hoot for the rest of us. It's their down dirty values, willing to kill anyone and everyone who gets in theirselfish, money-gribbing psychopathic ways.

I told my daughter I was going to get a gun, a cross, a bible and------ a life, I hoped!

Pray to Yahweh and Jesus, I saw on one site. I really don't know what to believe now, but I expect that there is Someone, Somewhere Who will see us through this mess.

I say one thing: I don't think I was put through 2 heavy duty accidents to still live, and then find out about the Ns in my life to survive them, just to get enslaved by a cabal of half human, half alien beings!

Thank you Dr. G.

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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2010, 09:50:24 AM »
Considering how similar threads have melted down in the past I'm amazed and encouraged, despite the large variety of opinions here, at how calm and respectful the discussion and reaction has been even with some pretty provocative statements.
Hope nobody leaves over it.

I don't think Obama is a fascist by any stretch of the imagination.
And I won't argue Doc G's implication that fascism is of the right rather than the left, but will only note that I disagree and I think history demonstrates otherwise.



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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2010, 10:34:49 AM »
...........lying to us while putting our lives in danger.... while they have underground cities to run to in case of total destruction above ground.....

Izzy, I have listened to radio-talk-programs that discuss this exact thing. I have felt disgust over this in the past.

One of the companies that I worked for had issues with bomb-scares. I didn't understand why for a long time, but eventually I understood that there were customers who were treated so unfairly that the company would get targeted. Even irate customers don't have an effect on the core beliefs of these people though.

Each time there was an article in the news that was related to the company, the company would scramble on emergency mode to respond with their own statement that they wanted the customers read. People are influenced by what is in print in magazines or in the news but the sources of the printed material and news are human generated by people who have their own agendas. The people who are part of the game just laugh knowingly.

I personally do agree with some of what I hear on these radio shows, I know some of these less then mainstream concepts to be true. There is a tremendous effort and energy that goes into keeping certain things (and people) quiet and covered up.
I'm glad there are people who will explore the unknown.

I also hear some things on these radio shows that almost give me nightmares. I hear about sasquaches, chupacabras, vampires, aliens, and various types of monsters and after hearing that I don't want to turn the light off when I go to sleep at night just like a kid, I think to myself "what if an alien-vampire-chupacabra-politician is flying outside my window peering in at me while I'm falling asleep waiting to suck my brains out?"

Out of kindness to myself sometimes I just have to turn it off. I think part of what makes those types of radio shows so exciting is the creepy factor. Sometimes those radio shows intersperse real scientists with other people who are more like hobbyists or more science-fictiony.

I can't think of anything scarier then a Narcissistic Alien government.  :shock:

Well, actually I guess there are worse things then a Narcissistic Alien government.

Wealthy Japanese people purchase the body organs from executed Chinese prisoners. To me, that is about as amoral as it gets, one of the worst examples of benefiting from others misfortune. It's pretty intense. I think the world is an ugly place sometimes when I'm not watching the beautiful sunrise over the water.

Maybe this is why Narcissistic people have children--it's for the organs.

I'm sort of kidding, but I think my mother actually believes I might donate an organ to her if she needed one. I think that is why she sometimes pretends to be nice to me, it's because she wants to rip my beating heart out of my chest right at the moment she is about to have a heart attack. HAAAA! I've had an an epiphany.

I ask myself: Why even pretend to be sane anymore.

If anyone out there actually believes in morality or the goodness of humans then watch the PBS documentary on the history of lobotomies that were performed on populations who had the least power: people in mental institutions, elderly & children.

It's not as if there are just a few messed up people in this world, it seems that every person is capable of allowing bad things to happen if not being a participant or an instigator.

Nurses helped with unnecessary lobotomies that seemed to be more like a weird circus stage performance. The doctor hammered icepicks into peoples eye sockets and somehow he convinced his colleagues that it was a legitimate way to heal people.

Being a human being is disgusting, I want to be a tree rooted somewhere far, far away from humans.

I wish I could CHOOSE, have a CHOICE about not being connected to a narcissist in some way, in this spiderweb network of life, but I think it is impossible, every big company and every government and even every little town's community council is going to have a sneering narcissist sitting at the front of the table where decisions are being made about the world that I have to live in since, unfortunately I am human instead of alien.

I hear people saying the phrase a lot lately about "you always have the choice".. It's not true. I didn't have a CHOICE as a kid to get away from my Narcisistic mother. A regular-joe-blow person can't get away from the power of billionaires either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh uncontrolably
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:19:09 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2010, 11:55:49 AM »
Marshall McLuhan would have a field day, with our current popular media. Especially the "news" channels. Like the Weather Channel hosts, who turn a normal summer thunderstorm into a "SEEK SHELTER" warning - I've noticed that the underlying emotion of the sound of everyone's "voices" on these programs are making even sleep-inducing country commissioners meetings sound like the end is near... No one calmly reports plain facts anymore... No one can discuss issues without picking a side first to join and then, through their persuasive argument or through connecting with a fear or belief of the viewer, reinforce it. Just listen to the sound of their voices and emotional message contained in the inflection - without listening to the words. You'll hear it:

seek shelter now
the end is near

All this intensity only serves to keep a person glued to the set or video or radio and dampening the mental challenge of thinking it through, processing the impact of the information in the overall scheme of things... and making the person's pulse race and all of us adrenalin addicts. Keeping a person glued to the set is the real purpose of this vocal technique, you know. So you are also exposed to the advertising. The very same people who are relaying all this "news" depend on the very corporate sponsors they are progandizing against. Politically, every politician utilizes propaganda as a tool to gain support for whatever bill or viewpoint or inquisition they currently believe in. Politics has come to equal popularity, too much.

Progaganda isn't the same as truth, facts or reality. It always has an emotional component to it. Subtle, but still there. It's work to not let it scare the hell out of me - but then, it's my well-being and peace of mind they're trying to upset.
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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2010, 02:34:26 PM »
If one cannot see the comparison in the bigger picture from just one's life then maybe one had better check on one's own understanding of other people's lives!

Since you quoted me above this statement, I have to assume that this is directed at me. If it was meant to hurt me, you succeeded.

I came here yesterday to do what I have done for years, seek advice and guidance concerning a serious problem with my N mother. Instead, I found something that I felt belonged on a Fox News message board, that made me feel uncomfortable. I stated that I was uncomfortable, and you're saying what? That I'm ignorant?

I will come back later and properly thank those who have given me so much help, support, and friendship over the years, but I can't do that now.

For what it's worth, the reason I am uncomfortable with this thread is because two months ago, I was assaulted by two grown men outside of a grocery store here in Arizona. Why? Because I still have an Obama campaign sticker on my car. I still see Bush/Cheney stickers on cars, and have a opinion about that, but would never wish bodily harm on anyone because they exercised their freedom of speech, or their right to support the candidate of their choice. This has not been a good time for my husband and I, with the assault, in combination with other issues going on in Arizona. We have placed our house up for sale and plan on moving back to California. (And no, I did not speak of the incident here, because I felt this was not an appropriate forum to discuss political hatred and violence).

So go ahead, get your bible and your gun, and maybe you too can attack a little 105 lb. woman in a parking lot, if it helps you feel better.

I need someone to help me feel better. This used to be where I came for that. Now I just feel lost.

Thanks Izzy. Thanks a lot.


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Re: Whose life is in danger....
« Reply #44 on: July 23, 2010, 04:16:52 PM »
Dear Kathy,

I am so sorry to have hurt you. I never meant to and was introducing my thoughts on our 'lives in our own little world' in comparison to our 'lives as part of nearly 7 billion people here on Earth', controlled by Narcissists/Psychopaths.  I am SO sorry!!!

I just lost my first long post to you, right after spell check so won't run that, and wonder if I can remember it all. Yes I did quote you, without applying your name.

I have been sitting at home since the car struck me in March, 2009 and have just been in bed and my wheelchair (41 years now for the 'chair and where do I run to? Nowhere!)

When I left the N, 2002, the only available aprtment for me was just 1½ blocks away from him and I was safe. I still am in that respect......

...but all these almost 16 months of recuperating, after the car struck me, I have doone nothing but lie in bed and sit in my 'chair--at the computer and I began to research conspiracy theories, from JFK forward until I found answers enough to know they WERE conspiracies. We are in the midst of another conspiracy and that is the whole of earth's population under the control of Narcissistic Psychopaths who have no qualms about killing innocent people to have their own way, conquer countries, for their minerals, oil and diamonds and reduce the population to just 500,000,000 (on Georgia Guidestones)

while they, The Illuminati have underground housing to save theselves; THAT is Narcissism to the Nth degree.

New Denver Airport is in this list

and the Queen, being close to the top of the freemason conspirators has purchased property in Colorado, above ground and underground.

I am sorry you were assaulted. Obama has been losing in popularity for some time, as people are waking up and realizing all his lies. He is a puppet who's strings are being pulled by the Illumintati, and he dances to their tune and says what they want. He was groomed for President for 30 years. People are becoming very angry, and if you think, we are just as helpless there, as we were at times with the N in our lives.

That was the point of my introducing this thread.... Narcissicm on a grand scale, and whose life was in danger from the oil in the gulf-- another setup?, like 9-11?  I am Canadian, but I don't know what would happen if nobody voted for anyone in an election.

Just wait until THEY pull their "invasion from outer space"... that's the scuttlebutt, for all of us to be begging for help and doing what they say!

If you think I am making this up, just google anything and find what the Internet says, as the media is controlled, TV, radio and newspapers. Rupert Murdoch. None of this is released to the press.

Again, I am sorry, and hope you understand what I meant by checking on others' lives, as a whole, you included.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 07:13:23 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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