Last Wednesday I wasn't feeling well when I was on the bus to get to another city where I dropped off a resume. I think it was viral flu type symptoms I was fighting off--although it could be related to stress and anxiety or hygiene in the soup kitchen. So on Thursday I allowed myself to just take a nap and I really needed it I was so tired. Then after Thursday I stopped searching so vigorously for jobs with the same amount of energy. I don't want to say that I am becoming depressed again necessarily, it's just that after I was feeling ill then the whole effect of emotional exhaustion and discouragement got to me. OR maybe it was just the virus.
I feel ok right now though, my hair is washed and I'm dressed and sitting with my pen and paper at a desk in a library and I only wish I had more time now that I am finally sitting down to plan my week starting Monday. I like this feeling of ordinary and clean.
Yesterday, a church made dinner at the soup kitchen, it wasn't exactly a fancy meal, it was just some sort of casserole but I really appreciated it. They made some kind of yellow cake that was tasty. Seriously eatting that dinner was the only thing I was looking forward to all day. The church women wrapped up some utensils in napkins- that's not the norm there so it felt civilized for once.
I have had it pointed out to me that I am a "quiet" one at the shelter but who knows what mouth that originated from, it may be from one of the people that I really don't want to speak with.
I hope next week something new comes up for me.
Today, at the shelter there was an issue in one of the restrooms with one of the women and I am not even going to elaborate. I just left and went for a walk by the river that also happens to be next to a busy road so it's not exactly as quiet and peaceful as I would like it to be. The muddy riverbank almost suctioned my shoes right off of my feet as I walked a distance away from fisherman who were catching nothing. I just looked at the ripple marks in the sand and the colors, shapes and textures of the stones like a child would do. Maybe I am so tired of planning and trying to DO something.
There is a young couple at the shelter who are traveling, they seem pretty sweet, they are hitchhiking around the country looking for a place to "settle down" interestingly enough and she is only 21.
I had to tell a homeless guy with a pitbull to move his dog today and I was a little surprised at how acquiescent he was.